Not Going Great

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Rapunzel's PoV:

I am now 6 months pregnant and Flynn still isn't happy with the baby, I work extra hours, and I even have to throw a baby shower all by myself, and I told Flynn he needs to come but he said No!

I hate the feeling that I'm all alone and I'm not going to have anyone help me with the baby, Help Me, I'm miserable.

Jack's PoV:

I have been watching Rapunzel cry herself to sleep for months! I hate Flynn, why can't he except the fact that he has a child!

I hate it even more when I here Rapunzel say she's all alone, I'm still here!

When I saw her sleeping in her bed, I walked over to her and I started talking to her baby again.

"Hello, wow, I'm not really happy with your dad. Honestly, I feel like I'm more of a father to you then anyone could ever be. Even if she can't see me, I'm always here. I love you."

I finished talking to the baby, then I just walked closer to Rapunzel's face, I don't know why but a tear came down my cheek, I had to talk to her.

"You're not alone, please understand that. You've gave me an adventure that I never thought I could have, just please.....*sob*.....believe. I want you all of you, forever, you and the baby, every day of my life *sob* I'll always love you." I finished talking to her and I kissed her lips.

I went to the empty side of the bed, Flynn has been living in his house again because he still doesn't except the baby! I laid down on the bed next to her and I watched her sleep. I rubbed her stomach and I felt a little kick from the baby. After that kick, I started to call this baby my child, I loved this baby like my own.

Authors Note:

Hey Guys!!! I hope you guys like this chapter. I'm sorry that it took a while for me to update, but hey better later then ever, LoL! I will try to update soon and I will talk to you guys later. PEACE✌️

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