I Need Help With Her

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Jack's PoV:
I watched Rapunzel lay in bed until she fell asleep, she looked so beautiful as she always does.
When she was asleep, I opened the window and flew out the window for the North Pole.
I arrived at the North Pole, and I walked into North's Work Shop. I saw all of the Guardians, North(aka Santa Claus, Bunny(aka The Easter Bunny), Tooth(aka The Tooth Fairy and Sandy(aka The Sandman).
"Jack!" yelled Tooth and she gave me a hug, I haven't seen her in 18 years. North, Bunny and Sandy all came over to me to say hi,"We Haven't Seen You For So Long, Mate!" said Bunny,"Well...... Yep." I said, I haven't seen them because I was with Rapunzel every day of her life."Where Have You Been, Jack?" asked North and I knew I had to come clean.
"That's kind of the reason why I'm here today, I need to ask you guys for advice." I said and we all walked to North's office."So! Whatcha Need?" asked North, I sat down on the couch, took a deep breath and said,"I have been gone for 18 years, because I have been with a young girl named Rapunzel, I've seen her since she was in a crib, I have been there for her all 18 of her birthdays. She is an adult now, she is going on a date tomorrow, she can't see me, and I'm in love with her." I said looking up at their faces, they all looked shocked at me,"Wow Jack! I never thought that you would do something like that." said North,"Ya, wait, you've seen her since she was in a crib?" Said Bunny looking amazed,"Yes." I said,"Aaawwww." sad Tooth, which made my face turn red.
"Wait, why did you always stay with her, I mean what was it about her, cause she was just a baby you saw her, mate." said Bunny, I knew it was time to come clean, so I said it,"Well, when I saw her in the crib, smiling, laughing just being happy. Something in me snapped, and I thought that she was my world, like she was the reason why I was chosen. And I promised to her that I would always be there for her, and that's what I've been doing for 18 years." I said with my cheeks turning red, and my heart racing,"Aaaawwww." said Tooth again,"I never knew that you had a side like this Jack." said Tooth, that made me smile.
"Ok, well we obviously know that you really care for this girl-" sad North, but I cut him off,"I love her." and he smiled,"Ok, you love her, and she's going out on a date tonight." said North turning his smile into a frown,"Yes, and that's why I'm here, I need help." I said almost crying."Their is nothing I can tell you, all I can say is try to get we to believe in you, but u do know what the sacrifice is for her if she wants to be with you." said North and I was completely confused.
"What?!" I asked, I really had no idea what he was talking about,"If she wants to be with you badly, she has to become immortal." said North, my heart shattered, but I was still confused,"Wait! How Could She Become Immortal!" I asked kind of getting worried,"We have to ask Manny if he can except her, and if he does. He will make her immortal, but it will be very painful-" said North but I cut him off again,"How Will It Be Painful?" I asked worried,"Manny will take her life-" said North, but I had to cut him off again,"WHAT!? HE WILL KILL HER!?" I yelled angrily,"NO! I'M NOT LETTING HIM HURT HER!" I yelled more angrily, I stood up and I started walking around the room trying to calm down,"Jack! It Will Be Her Choice!" said North and I took a deep breathe, and sat back down."Ok, but I've tried everything, and no one ever sees me." I said,"There has to be another way, just keep thinking, ok mate." said Bunny,"Ok, I'll keep thinking, thanks guys." I said standing up and heading for the door,"Your going back to her aren't you?" asked Tooth, I turned around with my face red and I said,"Yes, obviously." as I walked out of North's Work Shop and headed for Rapunzel's house.
I don't know why, but I feel like I should just leave her. I feel like, if she found out, she would leave me. But, I can't let her go. I care about her to much. I'm, I'm just mad at my self for falling in love with a mortal.

Authors Note:
Hey Guys!!! I hope you guys like this chapter, I just hate the situation that Jack is in now. But I will try to update soon and I will talk to you guys later. PEACE✌️

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