After The Wedding

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Rapunzel's PoV:

After the wedding, everything in my life was perfect. I had a great husband, a great house, Flynn moved in with me, and a great job.

Flynn had been a good husband, he's working more hours for us and he's been really caring to me. I don't know why, but I have been feeling really odd lately, I've been getting food cravings and stomach aches. I have to ask someone about this.

I got in my car and drove to my mom and dad's house, my mom opened the door and I walked inside.

"Hi honey, so how is life going for you so far?" asked my mom,"It's going good." but then I grabbed my stomach because I had another stomach ache,"Whats wrong?" asked dad looking worried,"Thats what I came here to ask you about." I said and I started telling them what's been happening to me,"Well, I'm starting to get food cravings and I'm getting stomach aches, do you know anything about this?" I asked them, they looked at each other, then they smiled at me,"Rapunzel, can you come with me for a second?" my mom asked me holding out her hand,"Sure." I said and she led me to the bathroom, she looked inside one of the cabinets and pulled out a small box."I need you to take a pregnancy test." she said, I was a little but worried, is it possible?"Ok." I said and I took one of the things out of the box and my mom left the bathroom.

I took the test and walked to the living room where my parents were. I waited for the test to work. I'm a little panicked and a little excited, I'm panicked because I don't even know if Flynn wants kids!

After 5 minutes, I walked to the bathroom, looked at the test and I saw +! I'm Pregnant!

Jack's PoV:

I'm in the house that Rapunzel grew up in. I followed her, I knew she might have been pregnant, and it's true. I watched her come out of the bathroom holding the test and smiling while also crying,"I'm Pregnant!" she yelled and her mom ran to her and gave her a big hug. I started to cry, but I also became nervous, she doesn't know if Flynn wants kids, neither do I.

She excepted it and drove home,"How am I suppose to tell him!" she yelled in her car, I knew she was scared, this time I got in the car with her, I was sitting in the seat next to her up front.

I watched her rub her stomach, cry and smile. I wanted to comfort her so badly and tell her everything would be ok, but I couldn't.

She got home and ran into the house where she saw Flynn sitting in the kitchen."Hey, where have you been?" He asked standing up and walking to her, he embraced her and kissed her cheek,"Oh, I just went to see my parents, to ask them about something." she said and Flynn let go of her and looked at her,"Well, anything you need to know you can ask me." he said and she smiled,"I have to tell you something." she said and she motioned for Flynn to sit down in the chair across from her, I stood right behind her and listened to everything she said."Flynn, do you want kids?" she asked, Flynn's smile soon turned into a frown,"I wasn't thinking about having kids and I surely don't now." he said, Rapunzel covered her mouth and started to cry,"Your Pregnant Aren't You!?" said Flynn standing up,"Yes." she said and Flynn just got angry, he grabbed his keys and left the house.

Rapunzel ran up the stairs to her room and layer on her back on her bed, she was crying harder then she ever had before.

Rapunzel's PoV:

I'm so stupid! I can't believe what I've done.

I cried for about an hour, but then I realized something. This is my child, I choose it before anything else. I looked at my stomach and I started to rub it,"I'm sorry about your dad, I guess he wasn't ready for you yet, but I am. I love you so much." I said to my stomach.

After that, I soon fell asleep on my back.

Jack's PoV:

I watched Rapunzel sleep, she was so beautiful as always. But then I knelt down and I looked at Rapunzel's stomach, I had to talk to the baby.

"Hey little guy, I just want to say welcome to this amazing girl's family, and I love you and her very, very much. I know your mother will chose you before anything, and I know you'll be excepted if your a boy or a girl. I just want you to know, that I will always be here for you and your mom. Ok, goodnight kid, I love you."

I finished talking to the baby and I went down stairs and I slept on the couch. Now that Rapunzel is pregnant, I'm never leaving her.

Authors Note:

Hey Guys!!! I'm sorry if it took forever for me to update, but hey I finally updated, Yay! Well I hope you guys like this chapter, I love that Jack's talking to the baby! But I will try to update soon and I will talk to you guys later. PEACE✌️

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