Rapunzel's Date

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Rapunzel's PoV:
After work, I got dressed into my favorite dressy clothes, and I braided my long, long hair and I put flowers in it to make it look nice.
I waited outside of my work for about 20 minutes and Flynn still hasn't showed up, so I decided to call him. "Hello." Said Flynn over the phone,"Hey, um.... where are you?" I asked him still looking around for him,"I'm heading over to your store right now. I'm sorry I'm late, I have to look great for you." said Flynn, that made me blush badly.
I then was tapped on the shoulder, and it was Flynn holding a flower,"This is for you, a beautiful rose for a beautiful girl." he said and that made me blush even more!
He grabbed my hand and told me he was taking me to a restaurant in the mall, YAY! But when I was walking forward, it felt like I just walked through a cold invisible body again! what is happening!?

Jack's PoV:
I tried to stop her from going with Flynn and she walked right through me again, I then felt a tear falling down my cheek. I wanted to give up, but I couldn't, I just followed her and Flynn to the restaurant.
Her and Flynn sat at a table for 3 for some reason, but I just ignored it and I sat in the 3rd chair, looking at Rapunzel's beautiful smile and listening to her flawless laugh. When she asked Flynn a question, I would block out his voice and I would answer it myself,"So, what do you like doing in your spare time?" Rapunzel asked Flynn, while Flynn answered it, I answered it too,"I love to go find kids who look bored and have the start a snowball fight, it's really fun to watch them play and have fun." I said, I tried to make it seem like it was Rapunzel and I on the date, but it just couldn't be what I wanted it to be.
After 3 hours, their date was over, at last! And Flynn walked Rapunzel to her car,"I had a lot of fun today." she said sweetly,"I did too." Flynn and I said at the same time. Rapunzel was about to get in her car, but Flynn grabbed her arm, bulled her close and kissed her. I just turned around trying to ignore it, but a tear was already coming down my face, then another and another, oh what am I saying I was crying. I turned around and they were done kissing, Rapunzel was blushing and smiling, Flynn was just smiling."Can I see you again tomorrow?" he asked and Rapunzel smiled and said,"Yes, I'll be available after work." she said and he hugged her and said,"I'll be there." and he let go of her and walked away. Rapunzel got into her car and drove home, I flew behind the car following her.

Authors Note:
Hey Guys!!! Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I went on a vacation with my family. And I'm sorry if this chapter is short, but I will try to update soon. I hope you guys like this chapter though and I will talk to you guys later. PEACE✌️

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