The Attack

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Rapunzel's PoV:

I came home with Carolyn in my arms.

I went upstairs to her room and placed her in her crib, I bought everything for her and Flynn bought nothing!

He didn't even sign her birth certificate!!!

I went back downstairs and began making her a bottle of warm milk, then Flynn walked into my house holding a bottle of wine, he was smiling weirdly and walked towards my creepily.

"Hey!" he said loudly,"Shhh! your gonna wake her up!" I said walking away from him because he kept walking closer to me.

He planted his lips onto mine, what the heck! I pushed him off of me and walked away farther,"Your Drunk!" I yelled and he ran to me and wrapped his arms around me,"So what, why don't we take off for a while!" He said and he tried reaching his hand down my Shirt!

"Flynn, Stop!" I yelled and I pushed him off of me,"LEAVE!" I yelled and I started walking up the stairs to Carolyn who was crying from us yelling.

Flynn followed me to Carolyn's room, he pushed me away from her and he opened up his bottle of wine and poured it all over Carolyn's face!

"FLYNN! STOP!!!" I yelled jumping up and taking the bottle and smashing it over his head, he then ran downstairs and left my house.

I grabbed Carolyn and took her downstairs and cleaned her up, while I was doing that I started to cry. I can't believe he came here drunk with a knew born baby here and Dumped The Wine All Over Her Face!

I stopped crying, put Carolyn in her blanket and sat on the couch cradling her,"I'm so sorry." I said and I started to cry again. Then I grabbed the phone and called the police:

Police: 911 what's your emergency?

Me: Hi, I'm calling to report *sob* my husband Flynn Rider

Police: What did he do?

Me: He attacked me and poured *sob* wine all over his knew born child

Police: Ok, where is he?

Me: I think he went to his house *sob* he lives at 104 North Pinda street

Police: Ok, were heading there now, are you alright mam?

Me: Yes, I'm fine just terrified

Police: Don't worry mam, we'll have him in jail soon, just relax and we'll have some men come to your house to ask some questions and to look for evidence

Me: Ok

Police: Yep, goodbye mam

Me: Bye

I hanged up the phone and walked upstairs, I put sleeping Carolyn in her cleaned up crib and walked back downstairs, I sat on the couch waiting for the police.

Jack's PoV:

I was right next to Rapunzel when Flynn poured wine on Carolyn, when Rapunzel slammed that bottle on his head, I made the wind blow him out of the house all the way to his house.


While Carolyn slept in her crib, I sat on the couch next to Rapunzel who was still crying and looked petrified. I wish there was a way for me to calm her down.

Soon there was a knock on the door, Rapunzel answered it and in came 3 police officers,"Hello mam." one of them said and Rapunzel lead them into her house.

They started walking around looking at the Carolyn's room, Rapunzel grabbed Carolyn and had her in her arms while the police searched her room.

I just stood next to Rapunzel and looked at Carolyn's beautiful emerald green eyes.

After an hour, more men came holing Flynn's arms in handcuffs,"Mam, is this him?" they asked,"Yes," she said holding Carolyn tighter, she was not going to let him hurt her again, She's such a good mother.

The police soon left with Flynn in the car, Rapunzel put Carolyn to sleep, put her in her crib and she went to bed.

I laid in the empty spot of her bed looking at her sleeping face. I'm never leaving her alone again, after that, I'm going to protect her.

Authors Note:

Hey Guys!!! I hope you guys like this chapter as much as I do, I'm sorry if it took a while for me to update, I was on vacation all weekend and I kind of had no time, LoL. But I will try to update soon and I will talk to you guys later. PEACE✌️

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