Can Carolyn See Me?

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Rapunzel's PoV:

Carolyn is now 6 years old and Flynn is still in prison.

I've lately been really sad for Carolyn because every night she has asked me "Where's daddy?" I can't just tell her that her dumb dad is in jail, I don't know what to do.

Jack's PoV:

Every night I've heard Carolyn ask Rapunzel "Where's daddy?" just hearing that makes me want to scream, I hate that she's looking for Flynn. She's had a prisoner for a father, she will be depressed if she found out. I need to make her believe in me.

Carolyn's PoV:

I was in my room playing with these knew toys my mom bought me, she's the best mommy ever, but I've just never seen my father, I wonder where he is.

I was about to go to bed, but then I look over at the window and I see frost forming on it, why is there Frost in the spring time. It started to write something, there was an h and an i, I think that spells hi, then it spelled my name, what is this? I stood up and walked to the frost on my window, I wanted to see if it was real so I touched it. Then a peace of Frost fell on my nose and all of a sudden the name Jack Frost came to my head so I just said it,"Jack Frost." then I heard someone in my room behind me, I turned around and I saw,"Jack Frost."

Jack's PoV:

"Jack Frost." Carolyn said and my heart skipped a beat,"You can see me?" I asked excitedly,"Yes." she said and I did a backflip in her room,"It's really you." she said,"Yes it is, I've been with you since the day you were born you just didn't believe in me." I said and she smiled and started jumping up and down in her room.

Someone Can Finally See Me!

I talked to Carolyn all day, I told her that I was with her mother her entire life and how I love her and her mother very much.

When it was time for Carolyn to go to bed, I put her under the covers an told her goodnight and I was about to cry at what she said,"Goodnight daddy." I looked at her with my eyes full of tears and I said,"Goodnight Carolyn, goodnight." and she fell asleep and I kissed her on the forehead.

I then left her room crying, I went to Rapunzel's room and saw her sleeping, I laid down next to her watching her sleep, I soon fell asleep too excited to talk to someone tomorrow.

Authors Note:

Hey Guys!!! I'm sorry if this chapter is short, but I just love this chapter so much it made me cry. I hope you guys like this chapter as much as I did, I'll try to update soon and I'll talk to you guys later. PEACE✌️

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