Rapunzel's 10th Birthday

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Jack's PoV:
I flew to Rapunzel's house because I knew today was her 10th birthday! Double Digits! I couldn't miss her birthday, even though I have been with her every day of her life, but I just can't think of a way to make her believe in me so I could talk to her.
I got to her house on the 10th of December, and I saw Rapunzel and her best friends in her house playing some bored game in the living room.
I was really surprised to see that it still hasn't snowed at her house, her and her friends both looked bored, then Rapunzel went to her room looking a little upset and bored.
I went up to her room and walked slowly through the window so she couldn't really hear me.
She sat on her bed looking down, she really looked like she wasn't having fun. Then her mother walked into her room,"Hey, what's wrong honey?" her mother asked and she sat next to Rapunzel,"It's just that there's nothing to do, I wish it was snowing." said Rapunzel.
I then had the best idea ever, I flew out of the window and out to her front yard. I took my staff and aimed it up at the sky and shot my powers to the sky.

Rapunzel's PoV:
I wasn't having a lot of fun at my party, I love all of my friends and family, I'm just really bored.
But then I looked out the window and I couldn't believe it, It Was Snowing!!!
All of my friends got some winter stuff on and we all ran outside. We had snowball fights, we made snowmen, we sled down snow hills that we made, it was the best party ever.
When everyone went home, I got into my PJ's and got in bed, my mom walked in and asked,"Did you have fun today?" and I smiled big and said,"It was the best day ever!" and for some reason, I once in a while feel like a little cold wind blow in my room sometimes, I have no idea what it is but I choose to ignore it."Well, I'm glad you had fun." said my mom, and she kissed my forehead and said goodnight and left.

Jack's PoV:
When she said it was the best day ever, I felt amazing, I loved seeing her have fun on her birthday and that it went great. I am never going to leave this girl, it would be to hard in me, she means the world to me. I said goodbye to Rapunzel, flew out the window and headed back to my place.

Authors Note:
Hey Guys!!! Sorry if this chapter is short, and sorry if it took a while for me to update but I will try to make a longer one next time, and I will try to update quicker. I hope you guys like my story and I will talk to you guys later. PEACE✌️

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