Three | monster among men

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Amelia's POV

"I'm going to get some fresh air," I yelled over at Ashton over the loud music blasting throughout the room. He gives me a thumbs up and continues dancing. It was a maze getting out of the place with tons of people crowded into one room. I spot an exit door not too far and managed to make it out.

"Finally." I breathed stepping outside. I found myself in a vacant alleyway, nobody in sight. Well, at least I believed I thought I was alone until an arm snakes around my waist unexpectedly.

"Hey, pretty girl." The stranger whispered in my ear. His breath sending shivers down my spine. His breath reeked of alcohol. "What's a girl like you doing out here alone?" He questions his grip getting tighter.

"Just let me go." I whimpered as he continued to tighten his grip on me.

"Come on just have a little fun." He pleads. I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs but I didn't want to dig myself into a deeper hole.

"Please just let me go." I cried and by this point I was unsure of what was going to happened to me. I was more terrified than anything.

"I'd suggest you let her go mate." A raspy voice demands as footsteps echoed down the alleyway. The single lamp post illuminated the new stranger's face, it was Calum. "Let her go before I beat the shit out of you." He threatens through his gritted teeth.

"Why would I do that?" The drunk man fired back. This dude was testing Calum's patience I could easily tell by the vein popping out of his neck. Calum flicks his newly lit cigarette to the ground before taking one step closer. The next thing that was said by this intoxicated man set Calum off. Another side of him I had never seen. The drunk threw me to the ground against a brick wall. As Calum and he went at it I could feel a little of blood trickling down my head.

"Yeah run off you bastard." Calum's profanity echoed down the alleyway. "Shit." He mumbles looking at the blood dripping from my head onto the pavement. To my surprise, he wrapped his muscular arms around my waist helping me back up to my feet. The side door swings open making Calum almost jump out of his shoes. I peeked over his broad shoulder to see the rest of the boys.

"God! What happened?" Michael questioned.

"Some bastard tried to run off with her." Calum rolled his eyes.

"Amelia, god your head," Luke exclaims. My head was throbbing at this point things were starting to get dizzy and a bit hazy. Michael came running back with napkins. He applied pressure to the back of my head trying to get the bleeding to stop.

"Alright, let's get home. We need to take care of that and get you to rest." Luke said with concern. I hadn't noticed that Calum's arm was still wrapped around my waist. Unusual for him, but apart of me deep down loved that he cared. He had a soft heart deep down. Walking back to the car was a journey. I felt like I could pass out every step I took, but Calum's arm was still there holding me up every step.

"Bleeding kinda stopped," Michael commented throwing the bloody napkin in a nearby trash can.

| H O M E |

"Are you sure you're gonna be alright by yourself?" Ashton asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Positive," I replied as confidently as I could. "Plus you guys are just next door. I'll text you if I need anything."

"Alright, I'm holding your word to it," Ashton says hesitantly. "Night Amelia. It was super fun hanging out tonight, totally should do it again."

"Of course." I smiled. "Night guys." I waved as they slowly retreated back to their house. "Calum?"

He turns around to face me.

"Thank you," I said sincerely. "For you know saving me."

"Um yeah, no problem." He replies stuffing his hands in his pockets. He awkwardly turns the other direction and catches up with the boys. Calum was still a mystery but I felt like I was getting closer to finding out why he is the way he is.

It wasn't my ideal first day in Australia, but I met some amazing guys out of it. So it wasn't so bad after all.


Calum's POV

Soon as I entered the house I went straight to my room. I've been trying not to replay tonight's events in my head. It was all too familiar for my comfort. Needing to clear my head, I went to my secret place. Well, I guess the roof wasn't all that much of a secret. Taking my writing book with me to blow off some steam, writing songs was my way of coping.

"Yeah, it was pretty scary. But it's okay the boys saved me." I heard. I peaked over to see Amelia's window cracked opened. She standing in the middle of her room having a phone conversation with someone. "I mean I think. His name is Calum. He's the mysterious one out of the four." The was a long pause before she would answer again. "Yes, he's nice. Well, at least I would like to believe that. He doesn't speak much to me." She shrugs walking out of view.

That was a compliment. I think?

"Okay, I'll call you later. Love ya brother." I hear. She walks up to the window to close it. I duck as low as I could, praying that she wouldn't notice me. To my luck, she didn't notice me.

I had this strange feeling this girl was going to turn my world upside down.

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