Twenty Three | disconnected

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Luke's POV

It's been hours since Amelia arrived at the hospital. As the hours past we all lost hope that anything good was to happen. I stayed with Amelia, as the boys and Crystal were in the waiting room still trying to calm Calum back down.

"Luke?" My head jerks up noticing Amelia was awake. Relief washed over me, she was going to be okay. I could finally relax and put my wondering mind to rest.

"Hey A, how you feeling?" I asked brushing her hair out of her face. She groggily looked around the room in confusion. "Take it easy Amelia," I warned seeing her trying to move around.

"What happened?" She asks dazed.

"I think that's a conversation for later."

"I tried to kill myself didn't I?" She states. "You can say Luke, it's all coming back to me."

"You did."

"How's everyone else?"

"A fucking mess, more so Calum than anyone else," I stated. Her eyes showed no emotion at the mention of Calum's name. It was like he'd been erased from her mind like he was a stranger. "Ashton is worried sick too."

"Can you send Ashton in?"

"What about Calum?"

"I'll talk to him when I'm ready. And right now? I'm not ready to face him." She says, again showing no emotion whatsoever. I laid my hand on hers, giving her a weak smile. I left the room to fetch Ashton in the waiting room. All heads shot up as I entered the room.

"She's awake."

Calum shoots out of his seat, wanting to see her, but I had to stop him. I grabbed his shoulder before he could pass by me.

"What the fuck man?"

"She said she's not ready to see you," I whispered. Calum faces dropped, waiting for me to tell him it was all a joke. "Ashton, she wants to see you," I speak up.

"I'll talk to her mate, don't worry," Ashton reassures putting a hand on Calum. Calum shrugs it off walking away in the opposite direction pissed off. I followed not too far behind him making sure he did nothing he would regret later on.


Amelia's POV

"Hello, Ms. Evans." A nurse greets walking in with a doctor.

"I'm Dr. Osbourne, how are you feeling?"

"Okay, I'm a bit worn out," I told him.

"That is to be expected, you lost a lot of blood. We'll be taking more tests tomorrow just to make sure your bloodstream cleared up. You'll be feeling a little fatigued for a few days, all you can do is rest and stay away from stress. We will be keeping overnight for observation and if all goes well, you will be headed home tomorrow morning. We'll also be prescribing you fewer dosages of your antidepressant medications. Luckily, your baby was unharmed-"

"Woah, what baby?"

"Oh, I assumed you knew? Ms. Evans, you are about a month pregnant." He pauses writing something down on his clipboard. "You got very lucky Ms. Evans, your friend here saved your life." He motions over to Ashton waiting in the doorway. The nurse and doctor excuse themselves, as I motioned Ashton in.

"You're pregnant?"


"What are you going to do?"

"I don't know." I sighed. "I don't know what to do anymore. The one thing that could push me over the edge happened Ash. And I don't know if I could ever face Calum again."

"You can't avoid him forever Amelia, you'll have to face him sooner or later. And I think it's better to do it sooner."

"What do you mean?"

"He's a complete mess right now. It's worse than his reaction to Brie, and when he gets this way there's no telling what he'll do. He is like a ticking time bomb when he's put into situations like these. You should know better than anyone what he is capable of."

"Yeah, I do," I say shallowing the lump in my throat. My mind raced back to when we were in Boston for the tour. The night Calum got the news his mom had passed away. That was one of the few times I actually saw Calum Hood at his breaking point. I couldn't control him no matter how hard I tried, even I couldn't calm him down. I could still hear his fist punching the wall, the picture frame shattered across the tile floor. I could still picture the blood dripping from his knuckles, the pure look of pain in his face. "I just need time Ash, just today that's all I'm asking. I need to figure out where I stand with him, and if I really want this anymore."

"I'm not forcing you to do anything-"

"I know Ash, I know. Tell him I'll speak to him when I get home."

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