Twenty Four | more

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Amelia's POV

"Here we are." Crystal sung as she pulled into my driveway. "Home sweet home." She asks parking the car. I could feel her eyes staring at me, as I looked out the window with a black expression. "Hey, it's alright. I'm right by your side, you're not going to be alone." She reassures rubbing my shoulder.

I stepped out of the car, my eyes looked over next door out of habit. There sat Calum on the porch step with a cigarette in hand. His hair was messy and tangled up in the front, there were large bags underneath his eyes, his whole body was tensed. I was going to face him today no matter how hard I tried to run away. He jumped out of his position hearing the car door slam shut. He stands up as Michael, Luke, and Ashton walked out. Luke puts a hand on his shoulder, whispering something to him.

"Let's get you settled in," Ashton says walking over with a smile. He carries my bag into the house as I followed closely behind him. "You hungry-" Ashton stops in mid-sentence glaring at something behind me. I spin around to see Calum standing in the doorway.

"It's alright Ashton, we need to talk anyway."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, go." I nod. Ashton walks out hesitantly but whispers something to Calum beforehand. Calum blankly stares back at Ashton as he left the premises.

"How are you feeling?" He asks softly.

"I just tried to kill myself Calum, how do you think I'm feeling?" I spat out more harshly than I'd intended to.

"Why'd you do it?"

"I saw the news article don't play dumb with me Calum. I wanted to tear everything off the walls and break everything I set my sight on after reading it. I wanted to scream, kick, cry because nothing felt right and I didn't know what to do anymore."

"I never meant to hurt you-"

"And how did you think cheating on me twice in one day was going to affect me? I'd love to know what your thought process was."

"The first time Jade kissed me, I pushed her back before it got any further. But yes the second time was inexcusable I know that damn well Amelia. I got too drunk and kissed a random girl, that's my fault I know."

"You know what? This isn't even about the cheating. You can't possibly stand there and say to my face that this few months have been perfect, because you'd be lying. You and I both know our relationship hasn't been the same since that night in Boston."

"Yes, I know-"

"I don't think you do. I've lost count of how many fights we've had since then. I left everything Calum to be with you, and sometimes I wonder what would've happened if I didn't show up at the airport all those months ago. If I didn't show I think I would've saved us both the pain."

"You can't possibly say that Amelia. We traveled the world together, we were happy-"

"And we also fought constantly Calum. Arguing isn't communication, it's noise. We were never going to work Calum, it was only a matter of time and you know it. We both know this relationship is coming to a dead end, we're both just too scared to admit it."

"So you just want us to ignore each other, pretend the other person doesn't exist? We both know this is not how this is supposed to end."

"It's not, but I don't think either of us could go on. For what it's worth, I did love you very deeply. I still do love you. Things just never work out the way you think."

"So t-that's it? We're just over?" Calum questions. "Just like that?" He asks running his hand frustratingly through his hair.

"I think it's for the best Calum. I think it's best if I let you go. And it's hard for me, you have no clue, a part of me will always love you. But the constant fighting, the running in place, it's not healthy. I can't do that anymore. We both need to figure our lives out more. Please Calum, just move on and be happy."

"My happiness comes from you Amelia, how do you expect me to move on?"

"Don't let this destroy all the good in you. I just need to figure out my shit."

"I want you by my side, dammit Amelia."

"I know Calum, but at least not right now. It's just gotten toxic by now Calum. Don't think by me walking away, for now, means I don't love or care for you anymore because I do. I always will."

"Well, if you loved me you wouldn't be walking away." Calum shakes his head in disbelief. "Bye, Amelia."

And just like that, it was over.

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