Six | jet black heart

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Amelia's POV

The next couple of weeks went fast. I'd gotten a job at the small local library, the house was coming along and felt more homey, and as for the boys, they'd been getting more gigs. I tried making it to some, but some were hours away. But I'm ecstatic that they were receiving more recognition they'd been putting a lot of extra work in. 

Being friends with a band, you never knew how to prepare yourself. You didn't know if they'd stay a small local band or grow into huge international superstars. I would like to convince myself that they'd stay small local. Mainly because they were the only people I knew here, and well I called them my friends. But their talent was too good to be true. They couldn't stay small they were so much better than that.

For their gigs, I didn't make an appearance at, I'd get an occasional text from Ashton, Michael, or Luke. Calum and I haven't spoken a word to each other since that one night. I never knew why it's been killing me but it has, apart of me wanted to speak to him again.

Hearing car doors slam outside, I jumped to my up rushing to my window. A sense of happiness and excitement rushes through me seeing the guys. I wanted to go out there and say hi, but they all looked beat from traveling back and fourth.

"Ugh time to get to work," I mumbled. Picking my keys, phone, wallet, and badge I headed out.

"Hey Amelia." Ashton waves.

"Hi Ashton." I smiled unlocking my car. "How was your show?"

"Went pretty good." He replies. "Where you heading off to?"


"Aw, she's growing up so fast." Luke teases.

"Trying." I chuckled.  "I'll see you guys later." I waved before Calum walking out caught my eye. No eye contact was made as we went on with his business. He was in one of those asshole moods again.

| W O R K |

"Hi Amelia." My coworker chipped as I walked through the door. Besides the boys, Ashleigh has become one of my other friends. We were basically the same person, same likes and dislikes. It was nice to have someone when the boys weren't around.

"Hi Ashleigh, how are you today?"

"Pretty good actually, what about yourself?"

"I'm good." I shrugged scanning my badge to clock in. "You got any plans tomorrow night?" I questioned setting down my things.

"Course not." She chuckles. "Do you not know me? The only thing I got going on is eating pizza and hanging out with my dog."

"My neighbors are in a band and they have a gig tomorrow. Would you like to tag along?"

"Which band?"

"5 Seconds of Summer." I answer her question. She looks at me like she's seen a ghost or something. "What?"

"Your neighbors with 5 Seconds of Summer?"


"Oh my gosh, you lucky bitch." She gasps. "I love their music, it's been a while since they've done a show around here. It's about damn time." I laughed as she rattled on.

"I could introduce you if you'd like?"

"Yes, please!"

"Anybody, you like in particular?"

"Ashton is a cutie." She blushed. "What are the boys like?"

"Ashton, nicest person ever. Luke nice too, mostly a jokester. Michael is like of mix of Luke and Ashton-"

"What about Calum?"

"Well he's an asshole at first doesn't talk much to people he doesn't know." I explained. I felt bad for not saying anything nice but I wasn't going to lie. "But he's nice too, I guess." I shrugged.

| H O M E |

I quickly parked my car to meet the mailman as he approached. I met him halfway in the busted up driveway.

"Amelia Evans?"

"That's me." I smiled. "Thank you so much." I say taking the mail firmly into my grasp. He trudged back down the driveway as I made my way towards the house. Taking a seat on the old, worn out porch step sorting through the mail. I stumbled upon a crumpled up envelope from my father...

"What's that?" A husky voice came into hearing range. I jump a bit at the sound, but instantly relaxed seeing Calum leaning on the porch railing. I reluctantly hold up the letter for him to take. "Your dad?" He questions, studying the handwriting. I nod, taking the letter back from him. He plops down next to me, starring intently at me.

"What?" I questioned feeling uncomfortable with his stare.

"Are you going to open it?"

"Don't think I can handle his criticism right now." I sighed. "Glad my family drama can serve as entertainment."

"Maybe he's changed?"

"Since when have you been in such a good mood? Where's the asshole attitude?"

"What would Calum Asshole Hood say in a situation like this?"

"I don't know maybe along the lines of your dad is a jackass, he doesn't deserve you?"

"Okay, your dad is a jackass, and he doesn't deserve you." Calum mocked bluntly, a smirk curled the edges of his lips. I casually roll my eyes and tear open the letter, admitting to myself I would eventually open it one way or another.

I would like to inform you that I will be paying a visit within a month or two. If your life isn't put together by then, you have no choice but to come back home and run the family business. I am still very disappointed in you. We had your whole life planned out. Jackson has been trying to get ahold of you and talk about your relationship's future.

"Blunt and to the point, of course. Not even an I love you or I miss you." I huffed.

"Okay, maybe he is a jackass." Calum says taking the note from my hand. His brown eyes glide across the paper rapidly before retreating back to my gaze. "Man, you really need to get your life together."

"Asshole." I chuckled.

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