Twelve | she's kinda hot

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Amelia's POV

Driving to the party with the guys, I realized how much they'd actually changed but somehow stayed just the same. They weren't the same seventeen, eighteen-year-old boys I knew once upon a time. They were grown men, they were more serious, but still were their goofy selves.

"Let's party it up fellas and lady," Ashton says pulling into a parking space. I looked outside the tinted window, to see paparazzi and quite a few of them with their flashing cameras. My excitement turned into nerves, crowded places like this wasn't my favorite. Calum must've noticed because he placed his hand on my knee at the exact same time.

"You'll be fine." He reassures hopping out of the back. He patiently waits till I'm out to close the door. Calum places a hand on my back, gently guiding me through the crowd. I kept my eyes glued to the ground, trying not to be blinded by flashing lights.

"How was your first paparazzi encounter?" Luke asks jokingly. "Come, come we want you to meet someone," Luke says.

"Amelia, this is my girlfriend Crystal." Michael introduces. "Crystal, this is Amelia."

"It's so nice to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you." She smiles pulling me into her embrace. "Oh, I totally forgot." She says pulling away. "This is Jade, Calum's girlfriend."

To say I wasn't taken off guard, well I'd be lying. Apart of me didn't know what to think. All of his actions had been misleading me this entire time.

"Hi, nice to meet you guys." I smiled. They both turn away from me discussing something with the guys. I quietly dismissed myself from the group and found myself at the bar.

"Tequila," I demand.

"Make that three," Luke says walking up with Ashton. "What's wrong?" Luke's face turned into concern. I hadn't made up my mind if I was too the point of telling them. "You can be honest with us."

"I just feel like I don't belong here. You guys have just changed so much, I just feel like I don't know you guys anymore."

"For the most part that's our fault." Luke sighs in defeat. "If there's one thing I regret, it's not keeping in contact with you."

"Is it about Calum too?" Ashton questions.

"I liked him five years ago, I'll admit that. I was honestly not looking for a relationship. Fuck, I just got out of a relationship, but then he reappears. I don't know what I want anymore."

"We'll be honest, Calum liked you too. He was just scared back then to admit it. Before he met you, he had another girlfriend, Brie. Stuff got messy in that relationship. He was an asshole at first because it was sorta like his defense to protect himself and others." Ashton explains not knowing how much he could say to me.

I guess Calum didn't tell the boys about our conversation on the cliff many years ago.

"You opened up Calum quicker than any girl I'd seen. He was scared. And after we moved he had a rough time getting over you. Every song he wrote was about you. He doesn't admit it now, but I'm pretty sure he's still caught up with you." Luke comes out to say. All this new information caught me off guard. I wish I would've opened up to Calum more. Life would've been different if I had done it. "Also, we don't like Jade personally. They're not going to last. Their relationship is toxic, too toxic."

"Time to perform guys," Michael yells a few feet away.

"We'll be right back." Ashton grins giving me a reassuring pat on the back. A few moments after the boys left my side, Crystal and Jade walk up. We all got into a conversation, during it I could see why the boys didn't like Jade. She was cocky and not in a good way. She talked a lot about herself and her personal achievements. But she was nice in some cases. Crystal, on the other hand, was the sweetest human being. She and Michael made a flawless couple.

Can't help but wonder if this
Is the last time that I'll see your face
Is it tears or just the fucking rain?
Wish I could say something
Something that doesn't sound insane
But lately, I don't trust my brain
You tell me I won't ever change
So I just say nothing (say nothing, say nothing)

No matter where I go, I'm always gonna want you back
No matter how long you're gone, I'm always gonna want you back
I know you know I will never get over you
No matter where I go, I'm always gonna want you back
Want you back

I remember the freckles on your back
And the way that I used to make you laugh
'Cause you know every morning I wake up
Yeah I still reach for you
I remember the roses on your shirt
When you told me this would never work
You know even when I say I've moved on
Yeah I still dream for you

No matter where I go, I'm always gonna want you back
No matter how long you're gone, I'm always gonna want you back
I know you know I will never get over you
No matter where I go, I'm always gonna want you back
Want you back

You know even when I say I moved on
You know even though I know that you're gone
All I think about is where I went wrong
You know even when I say I moved on
You know even though I know that you're gone
All I think about is where I went wrong
Yeah I still dream for you

No matter where I go, I'm always gonna want you back
No matter where I go, I'm always gonna want you back
I'm always gonna want you back
No matter how long you're gone, I'm always gonna want you back
I know you know I will never get over you
No matter where I go, I'm always gonna want you back
Want you back

want you back | Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now