Twenty Two | too late

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3rd Person's POV

After begging Callie to leave, Amelia sank to the cool tile floor, fully aware of every emotion rushing through her body. Hot tears trailed down her face as she pounded her fist against the wall, desperately trying to fight the urge. Her emotions ran high and in the moment, she got the strength to crawl her way towards the bathroom cabinet.

The metal in her hand shined against the dim bathroom light. Amelia squeezes her eyes shut, struggling to fight every urge in her body. The thing that could drive her over the edge, happened. Her fragile self, broken completely. Her gasps echoed in the room as she pressed the metal into her skin, attempting to take away every bit of pain.

Blood oozed down her arm, dripping down to the floor. The pure white tile painted with her blood. Amelia collapsed down to the floor, as her panic kicked in full force. She desperately gasped for air, as things around her became a blur. She reached again for the metal, continuing to damage her body piece by piece.

Ashton arrived back home at the house after an exhausting week. As he was about to step into the house, something, unexplained stopped him. He turns around and heads towards Amelia's place. He gently knocks on the door awaiting an answer.

"Amelia, please it's Ashton." He calls out. Ashton receives no answer after minutes of knocking. He grew worried and panicky. Ashton places his hand on the door handle twisting it ever so slightly. The door opend revealing an empty room. "Amelia?" He called out. Ashton searches the first floor to find no signs of anyone being home. "I'm worried about you Amelia, please talk to me. I know you're home." Ashton pleads walking upstairs.

Ashton slowly approached Amelia's slightly cracked open bedroom door. Ashton pushes it open revealing an empty room. He cautiously stepped in seeing light shining underneath the bathroom door. Once again the door was slightly cracked open. Unaware of the horrid sight lingering behind the door, Ashton pushed it open.

"Amelia?" Ashton questions. His eyes adjusted to the body lying limp on the door surrounded by a pool of blood. "AMELIA!" He cries out dropping to his knees right beside her. "STAY WITH ME AMELIA DAMNIT." He pleads struggling to pull his phone out.

Ashton calls 911, fumbling over his words. Within minutes paramedics arrived at Amelia's house. All Ashton could do was stand back, helplessly, as Amelia's body was surrounded by medical personnel. Every part of his body was numb, shocked.

At the hospital Ashton sat helplessly in the waiting room, Amelia blood stained his shirt and pants. He ran his hair through his hair in frustration and confusion. Sets of heavy footsteps entered into the waiting room. Ashton lifted his head to make eye contact with Luke, Michael, and Calum.

"Will you tell us what the hell happened?" Luke questions attempting to catch his breath.

"Am-" Ashton attempted but sudden flashes of the bathroom scene came upon his mind.

"Spit it out will you?"

"It's Amelia." Ashton forced out. The boys' eyes went wide, their minds filled with questions.

"What do you mean? What happened!" Calum demanded.

"I-I found her in h-her b-bathroom. I think she t-tried to k-k-kill herself." Ashton stammers. Calum's face went pale, every part of his body went numb. He couldn't make himself believe those words.

"Excuse me, are you a friend of Amelia Evans?" A nurse asks.

"Yes, how is she?" Luke questions.

"Doctor wants to see you guys. Follow me please." She instructs. The boys followed closely behind the nurse, waiting to hear the news, preparing themselves for the worst.

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