Eight | fly away

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Calum's POV

Amelia's words play over and over again in my mind. I knew I had gotten too close to her. I'm falling again, and I had to stop it before time ran out. Maybe us leaving would be good, she could move on, in the time we're gone, but the thought of that made me sick. Everything the boys and I had worked for was right in front of us, it was in our grasp. This meeting could change our lives completely. We could travel the world, play in the biggest arenas.

"Ready to go Hood?" Luke asks.

"Yeah, let's do this mate." I confidently say swinging my bass case over my shoulder.

"Amelia said she'll meet us at the airport." Ashton says looking up from his phone. "Her parents are gonna land anytime now."

| A I R P O R T |

My heart was beating out of my chest, my hands were uncontrollably shaking. Why? I don't know. Was I nervous about going to the States? Or was I afraid to say goodbye to Amelia? I knew whatever happened with the record deal, we'd be back within a few weeks at least.

"Hey guys." Amelia's quiet, sweet voice says causing us to turn around. She was as bright eyed as ever, glowing with her impeccable smile. "Promise me guys you'll call or text me when you get the news."

"You'll be the first one to know." Michael says.

"Flight 315 to LA is now boarding."

"Well, I'll see you in a week you guys. Text me when you land safely." She says, hugging each of us individually. She eventually gets to me last, as our eyes sadly met each others.

"Don't get into too much trouble Evans. Call me if you need anything." I said, pulling her into my arms.

"I'll try not to. I will, I'll always have something to rant about." She jokes, making me chuckle.


Amelia's POV

As I watched the boys leave, apart of me felt lost. Everything can and will change, when they get signed. I know they will get signed, the record label would be delusion not to.

"Amelia!" Someone shouts across the airport. I turn to see my brother, Derek hauling a large suitcase behind him. My mom and brother looked thrilled, but my dad not so much. He didn't even bother looking at me, my mom whispered something that made him more responsive.

"Hey." I smiled, pulling my little brother into a hug. "Hi, mom, dad. Welcome to Australia."

"I can see why you're so fond of it. It's beautiful here." Mom smiles. "I'm so happy to see you darling. I hope you are doing well."

"I am, the house is still a work in progress, but it's almost done." I reassured her. "Shall we head out?"

"Yes, of course."

| H O M E |

"Welcome to my home." I say as we stepped on the porch. I pulled my keys out to unveil the inside of the house.

"Honey, this is looking nice!" Mom exclaims. "I can't believe how much work you've put in."

"Thanks mom." I smiled. "I'll show you guys to your rooms." I say motioning them to follow me. I showed them to their rooms and gave them time to rest and recuperate from their long flight. I excused myself to the living room for a breather. Things were too tense between my dad and I, my anxiety was kicking in. The relationship between my dad and I rotted away. I felt like I had invited a stranger into my house.

| F E W H O U R S L A T E R |

From Calum: just landed in LA

To Calum: okay thank you (: hope you guys have fun!

From Calum: how are things with your family?

To Calum: mom and brother are great, but things are tougher than expected with my dad sadly

From Calum: sorry love, I will be expecting a rant call in a few hours

To Calum: you better cal

Butterflies fluttered in my stomach once I read the word love. I was so scared to tell him how I really felt. I don't think I could ever tell him at this point. He was too far in his career, I think I'd be doing us both a favor if I kept quiet, despite whatever I felt.

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