Twenty Six | tomorrow never dies

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Amelia's POV

It's been three weeks since Calum's panic attack, I haven't seen him since then. Ashton says he's practically locked himself in his room and rarely has come out. I couldn't focus on taking care of myself when I knew the one I loved the most was hurting just next door. The thought of Calum hurting broke my heart into millions of pieces.

My heart and mind were at war with one another. I couldn't decide if I made the right decision of letting him go, letting us go, or if I had made the right one. My mind said yeah, I made the right decision for the both of us. We needed the time apart to grow more. But on the other end, my heart said I didn't make the right decision.

I frustratingly picked up my phone and dialed the one person who would tell me what I should do.


"Hi mom, it's Amelia."

"Amelia! Hello sweetheart, how are you?" her voices rang through with excitement.

"Honestly not great mom." My voices unintentionally cracked. "I need your advice."

"Of course sweetheart, what's the matter? Is it about Calum?"

"Y-Yeah it's is." I stuttered. I explained the whole situation, even the parts she didn't know, like me trying to kill myself and the baby I was carrying. I sobbed through the phone for minutes on end. "I don't know if I've made the right decision."

"Okay sweetheart, I need you to calm down. Take a deep breath, in and then out." She says calmly. I instinctively followed her directions till I had calmed myself. "Truth is everyone in life is going to hurt you, you just have to find the ones who are worth the suffering. I know deep down, Calum didn't mean to hurt you. I saw how happy he was whenever he looked at you. Despite what battle he was going through at the time when I met him, he always put your needs before his. I can't make the decision for you darling but I will give you advice; you will know you made the right decision when you feel the stress leaving your mind, body, and life. Amelia do what is right not what is easy. Never give up on someone who never gives up on up."

"Thanks mom, I needed to hear that."

"That's why I'm here darling, your brother and I are planning to come down for Christmas if that's alright?"

"Yeah, of course."

"Alright sweetheart, I have to get going to an appointment. I'll talk to you later, okay? I love you."

"Okay mom, sounds good. I love you too, bye." I hang up. "It's open!" I called out hearing a familiar knock on the door. The door swings open revealing Ashton and Luke. "Hi, guys."

"Hello, how are you darling?" Luke asks.

"I could be better." I shrugged. "What's up?"

"Just wanted to check up on you," Ashton says.

"How is he?" I dared to ask.

"The same." Luke sighs. "He occasionally talks on the phone with Mali I believe, but that's the only time I ever hear him speak."

"I should speak to him."

"What? You're kidding me?" Ashton asks.

"Ash, I haven't told him about the, you know."

"You haven't told him about the baby?"

"Woah, what baby? You're pregnant?"

"Yeah, I am and when we talked last I don't know how to bring it up. How was I supposed to tell him that I was leaving him but I was also pregnant with his child? I need to talk to him now."

I walked out with the boys behind me, the wind harshly whipped my hair across my face. My mind replaying my mother's words, "Never give up on someone who doesn't give up on you."

"Hey, you call us if he gets too much, okay?" Ashton states stopping me before I could go upstairs

"I will," I promised. He lets go of my hand allowing me to go upstairs. The floor creaked underneath my feet as I walked down the hallways to Calum's room. I balled my hand into a fist about to knocked on the door, but Calum's voice stopped me. The sound of him lightly strumming his guitar as he barely audibly sung stopped me. 

Too young, too dumb to know things like love
and I know better-

He voiced collapsed before he could finish the verse. His voice sounded shot down and defeated. I racked up the courage to finally knock on his door.

"It's Amelia, can we talk Calum please?" I begged. He didn't answer. "Calum, please it's important," I added. Heavy footsteps walked up to the door, the doorknob rattled as he unlocks the door. The footsteps walked away, confused, I open the door spotting Calum facing away from me, looking out the window. I closed the door behind me, trying to shake off all the nerves.

"I don't know what there is to say anymore." He says.

"Well there is something, and I've just been keeping it from you," I stated as Calum's shoulder tensed up. "I know you'll be mad at me, but it's been hard trying to find a good time to tell you-"

"You're stalling." He says. He was right, I was stalling. I didn't know how he was going to react, and I had a feeling it wasn't going to be good.

"Calum, I'm pregnant." I blurt out.

"How long?"

"Almost two months."


"Okay? That's all I get?"

"Well, we've broken up Amelia. What else am I supposed to do? I doubt a child is going to bring us back together."

"It's a start, Calum. This is our, and I'll repeat, OUR child and you just don't care!"

"These past weeks have been the hardest of my entire life! I haven't slept in for so long, I've constantly tried to convince myself this is all a dream, but it's not a damn dream. It's my fucking reality that I'll have to go through life without you!"

"Calum, I'm here now in front of you, trying to figure things out with you!" I raised my voice trying to get my point across. "These few weeks have been hell for me too. I realized that letting you go was a mistake. You've never given up on me despite whatever challenges you were going through. My emotions were all over the place, so it was easy for me to break up with you, but it was nowhere near right. I jumped to conclusions without sitting down with you and talking, but I was afraid it was going to turn into another fight. I'm tired of fighting with you, but it's apart of life. I wouldn't be here fighting with you if I didn't care. If I didn't care I wouldn't have even bothered coming here Calum. I fucking love you Calum! And I'm just going to leave it at that. I'm literally twenty steps away, find me when you wanna actually talk this out."

With that being said, I walked straight out of the house. I didn't acknowledge the boys, I just walked straight out without speaking a word. About halfway back to my house, footsteps came running towards me. My hand gets grabbed by the person, I spin around expecting to see Ashton but it was Calum. He pulls me straight into him wrapping his arms tightly around me, instinctively I do the same.

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