Nine | broken home

626 16 1

Amelia's POV

"Morning," I say spotting my mom walking down the step along with my brother. "I hope bacon and eggs sound good, cause that's all I have." I chuckled.

"Sounds lovely sweetie. Maybe we can go into town later and get you some groceries." She suggests sitting down at the breakfast bar. I set plates in front of them along with forks and glasses.

"Is dad up yet?" Derek asks.

"Yeah, he's on the porch taking a business call," I mumbled. Mom rolls her eyes, she gets up to walk outside. Even though the door you could hear her confront and scold my dad.

"I don't get how mom puts up with him sometimes." I sigh. "You understand why I left, right?"

"I do, and sometimes I wish I could leave." Derek sighs. "All dad ever cares about is work. I barely see him sometimes not for a few days. He'll literally live at work-" Derek's statement gets interrupted by dad barging back in with mom lecturing him.

"I said no business calls on this trip, so you could finally spend some time with your family for once."

"Maybe I could, but our daughter decided to move halfway across the world!"

"You could? By what Derek told me you're never home anyway, and you were never around when I was there either." I defended myself. "Sorry to say dad, but you value work more than family. If you knew what was best for me and really loved me you would understand why I moved."

"I want what's best for you!"

"And what was best for her was to move." Derek states.

"Not you too!" Dad yells. "Why is everyone in this damn family against me!"

"BECAUSE YOU'RE AN ASSHOLE!" I snapped. Years of anger and emotions came out of me. I was sick and tired of always having him put the blame on somebody else when it was really his own damn fault. "You are never around! You live at your own damn work. You never were at Derek and I's school events. Hell,  you left halfway through my graduation for a business call. I have tried to make you proud, I really did dad. You make it nearly impossible to do so! I was tired of being rejected and controlled by you. You practically picked out who I was going to fucking marry!"

"In a business like mine we need allies, and Jackson's family is a powerful one! I provided a damn roof over your head and food on your plate!"

"I hate Jackson's guts. He's a spoiled brat that hooks up with every girl he fucking sees! I don't want that!" I yelled back. "YOU WERE JUST THINKING ABOUT YOUR OWN DAMN COMPANY WHEN YOU ARRANGED THAT! HOW BLIND CAN YOU BE!"

"Watch your tone young lady. I do what is best for you and to set you up for success. You should be grateful for what I've done for you! You are a disappointment and I wish you weren't my daughter."

"No, I won't fucking watch my tone! You try to control my life! I've tried to be a nice dad but this is all bullshit now. You are tearing this family apart, not us! I am sick and tired of you pointing the blame at mom, Derek, and I. It's all your fault. You expect a perfect family when you aren't even perfect yourself, so don't you come waltzing into my house disrespecting me or them! There's the door right there and I suggest you use it."

He tried to protest but got cut off by mom. She gave him a piece of her mind, but he charged upstairs. In a matter of a minute, he was trampling down the steps with all his luggage.

"Don't even think about talking to me ever again."

"Don't worry, I haven't had a real fucking conversation with you in years, so I don't think that'll be a problem," I state. My dad rolls his eyes and barges his way out the door.

| L A T E R   T H A T   N I G H T |

I laid in my bed, my mind replaying over and over the events from earlier. I couldn't get my dad's words out of my head. I was a disappointment, he wishes I wasn't his daughter. My thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing. I reached over and checked the ID.


I don't think I've ever been more relieved to see his name.


"You don't sound happy love." He replies his tone worried. There he went calling me love again, it gave me butterflies every damn time.

"I'm not but I don't wanna ruin your mood you sound happy."

"I won't talk until you tell me what's up." He states.

"Fine." I huffed. "I finally blew up at my dad," I stated. I explained the whole argument and the things he had said about me. Calum stayed quiet on the other line, listening intently to what I had to say.

"What a fucking jerk. I'm sorry you had to go through that."

"It was going to happen eventually, it was unavoidable."

"I'll be home in four days, just focus on spending time with your mom and brother. I'll be back before you know it." He reassures me. We ended talking for an hour about the dumbest and silliest things, it made me feel better. "I have to leave for a meeting, I'll talk to you later?"

"Talk to you later, bye."

"Bye love."

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