Thirty Three | moving along

410 13 6

Amelia's POV

After what had been a rough but exciting two and a half weeks back in LA, I found myself at the airport flying back to Australia for a whole month. Plan was to catch up with some people as well as my doctor's appointments for baby Hood.

"Call when you land, alright love?" Calum whispers as his grasp on me doesn't loosen up. I nod with tears in my eyes, leaving was always a hard thing for me to do, especially when it came to leaving Calum. "Don't cry, my love." Calum frowns wiping away every tear. "Four weeks and we'll be together again." He gives me a reassuring smile.

"Flight 230 to Sydney, Australia now boarding."

"Looks like its time." I sighed. "I love you C."

"I love you more A." Calum smiles letting me go from his embrace. "Call when you get home, alright? I'll be worried sick if you don't."

"I will, I promise."

@ameliaevans: LA ✈️ Australia

Comments:@calumhood: see you in four weeks my love @crystalleigh: too late to turn back?  🧡@lukehemmings: good Cal is mine for a month @sierradeaton: four weeks is too long :(

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@calumhood: see you in four weeks my love
@crystalleigh: too late to turn back? 🧡
@lukehemmings: good Cal is mine for a month
@sierradeaton: four weeks is too long :(

| A U S T R A L I A |

I arrived around 9:00 pm at my house, after getting settled back into my abandoned house, I texted Calum to let him know I'd safely arrived.

To C🖤: Sorry to wake you love, but I just arrived at my house.

From C🖤: No worries love, glad to hear it. I love and miss you already! xx

To C🖤: love and miss u too, goodnight love xx

From C🖤: call me whenever you need me okay? I don't care what time it is.

I know being away from Calum was going to be rough, especially for my mental health. Calum was my safe place, with him I didn't worry about anything, but being alone? I worried like hell, and I didn't know when an anxiety attack or anything was going to hit me next.

| M O R N I N G |

Even though the first day back in Australia was peaceful, I found myself struggling with my anxiety as the days passed on. My gut instinct was to call Calum, but I felt like I'd just be another burden he'd have to carry along with his already busy life. On Wednesday the same week as I got back, I went in for my 16-week ultrasound, which did not go as expected.

"Amelia, are you under any stress? Anything significant happened in the past few days?"

"I mean I just left Los Angeles and my boyfr-, well fiancé."

"Aw, congratulations on your engagement. Amelia, may I ask how does leaving Calum make you feel?"

"Stressed, sad, and lonely I guess. He's practically all I have besides my mom, brother, and a few close friends."

"Mentally how do you feel?"

"Drained, I had my first anxiety attack after about a month without having them."

"Well, I will advise you again. Whatever negative emotions you are feeling will affect the baby as well. The baby is in some distress."

"What do I do?"

"I'd suggest you talk to Calum about living arrangements. You are engaged now, and I doubt during your marriage you'll be wanting to live here when he lives all the way in the states."

| A F T E R N O O N |

From C🖤: How did your appointment go?

To C🖤: Good, but the doctor said I need to lower my stress levels.

From C🖤: Love, did you have another anxiety attack?

To C🖤: Maybe...

From C🖤: You know you could've called me?

To C🖤: I know, I just didn't want to be a burden

From C🖤: Amelia, I will never see you as a burden. Your struggles are mine now as well. We need to discuss this later, but we'll figure it all out.

The next text I got, well, I didn't know what to expect...

From Ashton: Hey, can we talk?

want you back | Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now