Twenty Seven | talk fast

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Amelia's POV

I've had an empty feeling for weeks, but for the first time, I didn't feel that anymore. I woke up wrapped up in Calum's arm, his touch made me feel safe. I felt at peace, I knew I had made the right decision. I carefully slip out his grasp and went to the bathroom as morning sickness started to kick in.

"I got you, love," Calum says in his husky morning voice. He pulls my hair up with one hand and rubbed my back with the other.

"God I hate this," I mumbled flushing the toilet. I stand up, facing Calum who had a bright smile on his face. "What?" I questioned with a smile on my face.

"So, we're really having a child?"

"Yeah, we are." I smiled. "I also have my first appointment in an hour, if you'd like to come?"

"Of course. I just gotta get a change of clothes and we'll go." He smiles kissing my forehead. He leaves to go next door and get ready, while I got ready myself. I slipped into washed-out, ripped jeans that barely fit around my waist anymore, and a black sweater. I throw my hair up in a messy bun with minimal makeup covering my face. I cover up my wrist filled with scars with a watch Calum had gifted me with a while back.

As I stepped out of the house looking the door behind me, I caught a glimpse of Calum and Ashton talking next door. By the looks of it, it didn't look like a friendly conversation. I knew Ashton was unhappy with Calum over the whole cheating situation, he started being protective over me whenever Calum has been around, but I never knew it was this tense. Calum gets a glimpse of me staring at them over Ashton's shoulder, he tells Ash something then leaves. Ashton frustratingly puts his arms up before stomping back into the house.

"What was that about?" I asked.

"I'll tell you later." He reassures. He opens the passenger's door allowing me to slip in, he walks over to the driver's side starting up the car. As we pulled out of the neighborhood, I started to notice Calum looking in the mirrors a lot.


"Paparazzi." Calum huffs changing lanes. Calum and I had discussed we wanted to keep our relationship low key for a time but I guess it was nearly impossible. We arrived at my doctor's office with the press still following behind us. "Stay in, I'll come around and get you."

I nod as Calum climbs out of the driver's seat, a small crowd of cameramen hopped out as well rushing towards him. He opens up my door, helping me out.

"Calum, are you and Amelia together again?"

"What's your relationship status?"

"Amelia your thoughts on Calum's cheating?"

"Why'd you break up?"

I ignored the comments as best as I could as we walked towards the entrance. Calum keeps his hand around me while the other shielded our faces from the flashing cameras. Once inside, Calum and I could finally relax and take a deep breath.

"Hi, may I help you?"

"Hi, Amelia Evans for an ultrasound."

"Okay, it looks like the doctor is ready for you. You'll be in ultrasound room four, which is the fourth door on the left." The receptionist smiles.

"Alright, thank you." I smiled back. We find the room and get settled down before the doctor arrived. Calum nervously pulls up a chair next to me, his hands taps against his leg anxiously. I placed my hand on top of his. "It's alright Calum."

"Hello, you must be Amelia Evans?" A woman asks walking in.

"Yes, that's me." I smiled.

"I'm Dr. Smith, and you must be the lucky man." She looks over at Calum extended a hand.

"Yes, that is me." He chuckles shaking her hand.

"Alright, so we'll do a quick ultrasound today to see how the baby is doing, and then you'll come back every four weeks." She explains. "With that, let's get started." She smiles. The doctor lifts my shirt up, squirting cold gel onto my stomach. Dr. Smith takes a wand-shaped tool gently pushing it on my stomach. She rubs the gel around, she stops as an image flashes on the monitor. "There's the head, arms, and legs." She pointed towards the screen. Calum smiles gripping my hand before pressing his lips against it. The room fills with rapid thumping sound, the baby's heartbeat.

"Perfect," Calum whispers.

"Everything couldn't be going any better." The doctor smiles wiping the gel off my stomach. She rolls across the room, grabbing something off the printer. "Here are pictures of your first ultrasound. We could schedule your next appointment here or we could do upfront."

"Here is fine." I agreed. I quickly scheduled my next ultrasound, Calum and I were out of there in no time. Exiting out of the office a few of the paparazzi hung around outside.

"Ready for this?" Calum questions. I nod before we walked out getting crowded by cameras again and being questioned about our relationship. We safely made it to the car, as we pulled out Calum's phone begins to ring. "Hello?" He answers. "Well, it's not my fucking fault. I can't control the stupid press." He adds.

"You know this was going-"

I tried my best to focus on the voice over the line, but I could only make out a few phrases here and there.

"I don't care about my fucking image, it's called life," Calum explains, I could see he was trying his hardest not to get mad in front of me. "I don't care, I'll fix it then. I don't want the media attacking her anymore I won't tolerate it anymore." Calum hangs up clearly angry with whoever was on the other line.


"There are already reports of you being pregnant."

"Shit," I mumbled.

"I'll take care of it love," Calum says resting his hand on my thigh. "Just try to stay off of media, for now, I don't want you to see what people are saying, alright?"

"Okay." I sighed. As soon as we arrived back at my house, Calum goes next door to talk to his manger as I settled on the couch. My phone sat on the coffee table, screaming my name to take a look at what people were saying. "Fuck it," I mumbled grabbing my phone.

'Amelia Evans and Calum Hood back together?'

'Calum Hood's ex-girlfriend PREGNANT?'

The number of articles that had been posted overwhelmed me. It hadn't even been an hour since Calum and I went to my appointment, and the number of stories that were already out was ridiculous. My media accounts were blowing up, I peeked at what a few people were saying.

@calumxhood96: this slut is guilt-tripping Calum back into a relationship just because she's pregnant

@sarajull: what a bitch

Thousands of comments cluttered my feed and all said the same thing, slut slamming me and calling me a gold digger, wanting Calum just for the fame. Before I sat my phone down, my notifications went off again.

@calumhood: 🖤

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As much as I didn't want to share the news like this, it was the only way.

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