Two: Amelia Pond

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The second the Doctor closed the doors to the TARDIS, I was thoroughly inspecting the flight pad

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The second the Doctor closed the doors to the TARDIS, I was thoroughly inspecting the flight pad. The mechanisms to fly the TARDIS were both foreign and slightly familiar in my mind. Familiar in the sense that I was able to tell what the basic gears did, foreign meaning it was unlike any other ship I had flown. It was much more complicated.

Looking back to the doors which the Doctor left out, I could vaguely hear his voice as well as another female's speaking. Surmising the female voice was the Doctor's so-called; 'other companion', I immediately went to work in snooping around.

This guy was over nine hundred years old, he was bound to have some interesting crap lying around. A loud wolf whistle left my lips when I opened a random drawer filled with pictures of many, many females.

"I am going to pretend like I never saw this," I muttered to myself, slamming the drawer shut and moving across the console to find more things.

Bending down, I slid under the railing which surrounded the large flight console leading me to a corridor. Debating whether or not to go through I evidently deciding against it as the Doctor would be back soon.

Just as I was about to open another drawer the door burst open causing me to scramble away trying to casually lean on the railing as if I wasn't just noisily going through his things.

A girl walked in wearing nothing but a white nightgown, her hair a blazing ginger red. She was most definitely human leading me to believe we were on Earth; the girl walked around eyes rolling in amazement.

The Doctor came in directly after her, closing the door behind him. He watched with a gentle smile, seeming to take in her awe with a passion. She twisted in a circle motioning to the sight around them, shaking her head.

"Anything, you want to say? Any passing remarks?" The Doctor suddenly spun around, leaping up the steps to the console.

I stayed silent, not wanting to ruin the girl's first experience on the TARDIS. The man with a bowtie observed the ginger, his never-ending smile still accompanying his lips.

"I'm in my nightie." She finally breathed out after minutes of silence, taking another look around the room.

The girl spoke in an odd dialect, something I had never heard. It must have been an accent native to only Earth.

The Doctor shrugged. "The TARDIS has plenty of outfits for you to wear, as a matter of fact, she's cooking your room and Effie's as we speak." The sound of my name seemed to bring her out of her trance.

The ginger snapped her head to me, tilting it curiously. "Who's that?" She questioned the Doctor, analyzing me.

The Doctor opened his mouth to answer her before I slapped my hand over it. He looked to me, making noises of vexation. Giving him a small smile, I turned to the girl answering her question.

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