Twenty-One: Persephone's Theme

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" They say when you're marked for the penance stare, you run like the wind. Because once you're caught, you can never escape the clutches of hell. "


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"What?" Sofie was flabbergasted, looking at me as if I had a second head.

"Listen..." I trailed off, my tone lower as I kept my gaze firmly planted on the man reaching into his pocket. "If you have any sort of weapons, anything, I need it! I also need you to call the police, because that man over there, well, from what I can tell he has a gun in his pocket and he is willing to shoot that crying woman." Sofie's eyes widened as she looked in the direction I was focused on, gasping when she saw I was right.

"We don't have much time left before something irreversible happens, so do you have any weapons?" I honestly thought she wouldn't and I was just getting my hopes up for no reason.

But, much to my surprise, she did have something helpful on her. No words were spoken as Sofire reached into the pockets of her jacket pulling out a small pocket knife. She handed it to me, me taking it looking at her in slight shock.

"You actually carry this around?" I asked in an excited tone, Sofie shrugging shyly with a bright blush.

"Craig gave it to me a few years back, he's always paranoid something will happen to me." She replied, turning her gaze to someone standing a few meters from the team.

Craig and the Doctor still hadn't noticed the predicament we were in, both happily chatting away with the team. I was surprised that the Doctor didn't notice as he was usually the first of all of us to sense something wrong, but I did understand he was having a good time speaking with the footballers.

Looking past the team, I followed Sofie's gaze landing on a man who wore a yellow jacket and an odd hat, his jacket printing with the words 'police'. Immediately, I understood this must have been someone with law enforcement.

He was facing the other direction, hands in his pockets as he overlooked the complete opposite side of the park trying to find anything wrong. Sofie nodded her head toward me before walking off in the direction of the officer as if telling me she was going to speak with him.

I nodded back watching as she made her way to the officer, looking back over to the man who was now physically pointing his gun at the woman who only shook all the more terrified.

"Sofie!" I glanced back around, seeing Craig looking to Sofie as she spoke with the cop with furrowed brows. "Sofia, what's going on!" The use of Sofie's full name seemed to catch the attention of the team, including the Doctor, and Sofie herself.

The Doctor looked at Sofie with confusion as well, Craig mainly looking worried. After all, from their perspective, why would Sofie be going to the police? Sofie barely glanced at Craig, before her eyes went back to the man.

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