Twenty-Two: Circle of Life

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"Little sister, what are you doing?" Aleksander curiously asked his sister, who alike to himself was exactly two-hundred years old, and yet to them, it was only twelve

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"Little sister, what are you doing?" Aleksander curiously asked his sister, who alike to himself was exactly two-hundred years old, and yet to them, it was only twelve.

Persephone jumped at her spot by the window, turning to look at her older twin brother with widened eyes. Tonight happened to be one of the rare nights in Muspelheim where the stars were visible over the firey trash lands and through the blood-red skies.

Her father, Surtur, was never pleased when he came across his only daughter gazing fondly at the stars. In his mind, her home was there, and she was to never leave.

With a clear of her throat, Persephone blushed brightly pointing to the stars. Perhaps her brother would understand, though a part of her suspected he wouldn't. With a shy smile, Persephone motioned her stone-cold brother over.

Aleksander hesitated for a moment, before giving in and joining his twin on the window ceil. Persephone said no words, pushing a strand a brown hair behind her ear as she looked into her brother's identical blue orbs.

The twins may have differed in personalities and looks, but they shared a bond only twins could have. A love like no other.

"Do you see that bright dot, brother?" Persephone pointed to one of the brighter dots in the sky.

Aleksander followed his sister's finger, squinting his eyes as he looked at what in his opinion was not the most impressive sight.

"I do." He answered emotionlessly.

"That's the dying neutron star, Nidavellir." Aleksander's eyes immediately lit up in excitement as he sat up straighter.

"Nidavellir! As in the star known to make the most powerful, horrific weapons to ever torment the universe!" Persephone rolled her eyes at her brother's words.

Of course, he was excited about what Nidavellir had to offer rather than its interesting history.

"Yes..." She finally said, ignoring the excited glances she was getting from her twin. "Did you know Thor's hammer and Loki's daggers were forged there? Father told me a while ago." Persephone informed her twin, knowing how much he enjoyed talking of anything weapon or battle related.

Thor and Loki were the princes of Asgard, just a few hundred years older than Aleksander and Persephone themselves.

Persephone believed she could possibly outwit Loki, though she would never admit to it.

"You see that really bright dot, the brightest one in the sky? That one is Asgard, the two dots surrounding it are Alfheim and Midgard." Aleksander watched his twin keenly knowing her well enough to recognize why she always studied the stars.

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