- The Doctor
He was just a Time Lord,
one who loved meddling
with fire. And she was his
perfect match.
[ Eleventh Doctor x O...
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Delicately examining the fine engagement ring, I studied the sides of it, wondering what the markings of Gallifrey said. I was in shock the Doctor asked me to marry him, I truly didn't think that would happen... ever.
It was just the fact that he wasn't too traditional when it came to things such as marriage, let alone children. He was more of a go with the flow type of alien nerd in all actuality. And, I hadn't had a problem with it, I was completely fine staying with whatever we were before, though I'll admit I am ecstatic to be fiancés.
I thought when River said we were getting married, it'd be a heat of the moment kind of situation, but he actually proposed! Sitting cross-legged on the floor next to the console, I hummed while my fingers traced over the beautiful Gallifreyan symbols.
"It's a promise." I jumped in surprise, head snapping to where the Doctor stood leaning against the console a few feet away.
Since when had he got here?
"Dude, don't sneak up on me like that, I almost died! How long have you been standing there?" The Doctor smiled softly at my words, moving to sit next to me on the ground.
The TARDIS let out a whirr as the Doctor sat next to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders while taking the ring from me, examining it himself. "Only a few seconds, I noticed you weren't in your room, figured you'd be here." I smiled at his words, watching him lovingly gaze at the ring.
"What was that about a promise?" I questioned him, the Doctor turning to look at me with a genuine smile.
"These words mean, essentially..." He scratched the back of his head with a small blush. "Till death do us part, it's a promise." My grin couldn't seem to get bigger at his sentence, myself finding solace in just gazing at the ring.
"Of course, my Timelord." I rubbed the Doctor's cheek, making him smile fondly, looking in my eyes. "Till death do us part." He took my hands in his, my inner conscience screaming how I didn't deserve him.
Liars like you don't deserve happiness like him.
My inner conscience took on my brother's voice whenever it decided to bash me. For a second, I really thought Aleksander was sitting next to me whispering harshly into my ear. Surprised, I whipped to my right relieved to find no scary twin brother sitting there.
"Effie, what's wrong?" The Doctor was looking where I was through furrowed eyebrows, myself quickly turning around flashing a believable smile.
"Nothing, just thought I heard something is all." The Doctor gave me a look as if he didn't believe me, but let it go nonetheless.
It was getting harder to lie to him, he was starting to figure me out better than I ever gave him credit for. The Doctor pursed his lips, looking at the golden-black ring.
"You know, this ring was my mother's on Gallifrey. She gave it to me before she died hoping I would give it to the one I married. I had a wife on Gallifrey whom I tried to give it to, but she didn't like the color and so I kept it. Our marriage didn't last long though, we were too different. But here I am, giving it to you now, and I couldn't be happier." I smiled at the information happy the Doctor was opening up to me.