Thirty-Two: Ice Skating

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"Why are we going ice skating?" I groaned, watching as Amy, Rory, the Doctor, and River begin to place many different layers of clothes on

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"Why are we going ice skating?" I groaned, watching as Amy, Rory, the Doctor, and River begin to place many different layers of clothes on.

River was visiting and Amy suggested we all do something together such as ice skating. Of course, the Doctor didn't need to be persuaded, in fact, he wants to do even more than Amy.

Anything that didn't involve ice I'd be completely fine with, but ice, really? Ice inflamed me!

Considering I was a native to the planet of smoke and fire anytime I go to a place of ice, I would heat up without any control. Now, I was a solid hundred degrees currently, my temperature would only rise when I was on the ice.

A natural defense as the Doctor would probably put it.

Let's just say; ice + me = catastrophe, not a good thing. However, the only one who knew that was River, she tried to get them to do something else, but against both the Doctor and Amy's excitement, it was no use.

"Because..." Amy drawled, walking over a placing a coat across my shoulders. "It's fun!"

The Doctor smiled our way, myself thinking about how they must have had fun at the carnival or whatever it was they went to a few days prior. They definitely needed that time to themselves.

With a single flip of the switch, the Doctor leaped down the steps excitedly making his way toward me. I groaned as he shoved a hat on top of my head messing up my hair. With a huff, I pushed the hat up so it wasn't covering my eyes.

The Doctor grinned, patting my cheeks before taking my hand and dragging me toward the TARDIS doors.

"Doctor," River started. "I really don't think this is a good idea-" He waved her off, throwing the doors open.

"Nonsense!" He cried, motioning out to the frozen lake which was inhabited by a few different people skating across it, each person covered in protective winter wear. "This will be so much fun, besides, I took us to a point just before Christmas! Who doesn't like Christmas?" River and I both raised our hands making the Doctor scowl and hit my shoulder playfully.

"Oh, shut up you! We are going ice skating whether you like or not." I stubbornly crossed my arms, scoffing in amusement at his attempt of bossing me around.

"Oh, yeah?" I challenged with a raised brow. "Well, I'm not going."

The Doctor only shook his head, motioning everyone else to leave. "You guys get the skates while I deal with this, she's a nine and I'm a ten!" I watched as they left, River giving me an apologetic look as they went.

I, for one, was simply confused as to how he knew my shoe size. Tilting by head, I opened my mouth. "How did you-" He cut me off, purposely avoiding any confrontation.

"Now," The Doctor lifted my chin up, forcing me to look him in the eyes. "Go ahead and give me a real reason as to why you don't want to go ice skating." He rose a brow, myself remaining stubbornly motionless.

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