- The Doctor
He was just a Time Lord,
one who loved meddling
with fire. And she was his
perfect match.
[ Eleventh Doctor x O...
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"Here we have the library, and sorry Amy, this time the TARDIS didn't build a pool in it." Amy groaned at that, lips drawing to a disappointed frown.
Looking up at him, I let out a breath of exasperation. "Why would there be a pool in the library, wouldn't that make the books all soggy?" The Doctor only blushed under my hard stare averting his gaze.
He steered us away from the library, nodding in confirmation. "Yeah, now that you mention it, the books got soaked on more than one occasion." We all turned a corner, the Doctor jumping in excitement. "However, the pool is over that way now." Amy and I followed his finger to where he was pointing down a hall of many doors.
One door, in particular, the one closest to us catching my attention. "What's that room?" The Doctor looked to where I was pointing, placing a hand on his chin gazing at the door with what appeared to be bewilderment.
The door was a pink pastel color and looked extremely out of place in comparison to all the other doors. "Oi!" The Doctor exclaimed, twisting to face Amy. "That's your room, Amy. Come along, Pond." Amy and I were pulled by the Doctor to the door, Amy gawking in joy.
Amelia tossed the door open squealing in delight at what we found. The color scheme of the room was an ocean blue color, not a single speck of white located. Stepping in Amy eyed the king bed with delight and sighed in satisfaction at the bathroom door.
"We'll see you in the morning, Amy." The Doctor smiled softly at Amy's tired nature. "Don't forget, Churchill is awaiting our presence!" He tossed Amy a wink, before sweeping me out of the room, the door shutting behind us.
"The TARDIS is truly amazing, I've never seen technology like this." I looked around with a smile.
"She's way more than just technology!" The Doctor blurted, leading me down another winding hallway, stopping just in front of a heavy wood door. "Hmm, that's interesting. She put you just across from my bedroom, she never does that." He and I turned to the door across from the one we were standing, my brows raising at the bright red metal.
It was a simple metal door, and yet the red was as bright as fire, an intricate door. Curiosity got the better of me and I wondered what the Doctor's room could possibly look like. He had been around for quite a while, so he was bound to have some interesting things sitting around in there.
Ripping my eyes away from his bedroom, my hand reached out and opened my own door. The carpet was a simple white and the bed was a king alike to Amy's. I was surprised to see the walls a royal red, and almost everything made from wood.
In complete honesty, it looked exactly like my room from Muspelheim. Thinking back to the room which I hadn't seen for over two hundred years almost brought tears to my eyes. With everything in me, I sucked back the tears plastering a huge smile on my lips.
Out of the corner of my eye, the Doctor was gauging my reaction, his eyes filled with intensity. His forehead crinkled, and before I knew it he spun me around to face him. During this moment was when I took a true account for the height difference.