- The Doctor
He was just a Time Lord,
one who loved meddling
with fire. And she was his
perfect match.
[ Eleventh Doctor x O...
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The Flesh Doctor let out an ear-piercing wail, myself hobbling over to stand next to Amy and Cleaves. In an instant the milky white of the Flesh Doctor's appearance was gone, replaced by a normal appearance exactly identical to our Doctor.
The only way to tell them apart was by the shoes, somehow our Doctor managed to get his shoes burnt by acid and needed to borrow a different pair. While our Doctor was wearing a pair of beat up converse, the copy Doctor was wearing the normal low-cut boots.
Gosh, this was getting so confusing.
"What's happening?" The real Doctor stepped toward his carbon copy in panic.
Jimmy, Dicken, and Buzzer all stood behind Cleaves, Amy, and I watching the scene unfold nervously.
The other Doctor, groaned his hands holding his head. "One day we will get back? Yes, one day." He grunted before letting out another yell, his head shaking. "Reverse the polarity of the neutron flow." He was randomly spouting sentences in different voices, almost like he was talking to someone else about an entirely separate issue.
I was sobered up, and despite my better judgment, I was actually worried about the other Doctor. Technically, this other Doctor was also our Doctor. He had the same memories, the same emotions, same thoughts, personality, everything about him was the same.
I stepped forward anxiously, looking to our Doctor who was watching his other-self cautiously.
"Doctor, what's going on? What's wrong with him?" I asked, my tone portraying that of fright.
The original Doctor, never took his eyes away from himself. "The Flesh is struggling to cope with our past regenerations." He answered me, before acknowledging himself. "Hold on!" He said, his other self simply whirring around holding his back painfully.
"Would you like a jelly baby?" The Flesh copy of him asked in a completely different tone of voice from his current generation. My eyes widened along with Amy's as the Flesh Doctor's eyes filled with unshed tears. "Why? WHY!" He screamed, making our Doctor jump closer to him.
"Why? Why? What?" Our Doctor tried, only for the Flesh's eyes to dry of tears.
"Hello!" He suddenly perked up with a large grin, my breath hitching when I recognized his tone to be that of the Doctor's tenth regeneration. "I'm the Doctor!"
Amy clutched my arm, the two of us now officially scared both of and for the copied Doctor. "Doctor, help yourself!" I yelled, the original Doctor only ignoring me.
"NO, LET IT GO!" The copy boomed, tears filling his eyes once again. "WE'VE MOVED ON!"
The original Doctor grabbed the copy by the lapels of his identical tweed jacket, pulling himself close. "You can stabilize!" He shouted, the new Doctor only shaking his head tears flowing down his cheeks.