- The Doctor
He was just a Time Lord,
one who loved meddling
with fire. And she was his
perfect match.
[ Eleventh Doctor x O...
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Standing in front of the mirror wearing my suit, I looked and felt like Persephone Surturson. The Persephone Suturson that traveled as a Guardian of the Galaxy, the Persephone from both Muspelheim and Asgard, the Persephone who could burn down entire worlds.
It felt great but at the same time despondent. Persephone Suturson was who I am, it's in my blood to be the Goddess of Fire. However, being Effie Quill was fun and it was who my husband knew me as.
Braiding the sides of my hair back to keep it out of my face, I looked toward the floor where my cargo pants and flight jacket lay. Smiling softly, I gently picked up the clothing folding them neatly in the drawers of the dresser.
Taking a second to truly study the blaster I always kept with me, I placed it on top of the dresser knowing I would not need it. Not when I had both my powers and whip. Securing the whip tightly across the holster on the suit belt, I made my way out of the Doctor and mine's room, boots thumping heavily on the metallic floor as I walked.
"Ooh, look at miss hotshot Goddess over here!" River giddily clapped, eyeing me up and down. "You ready for this?" She questioned as I flopped down on the railing seat with a heavy beath.
"As ready as I'll ever be." I nodded, before looking to her befuddled. "Wait, it's only been like fifteen minutes since they've left. There's no way it's even close to over, in fact, I highly doubt the Doctor's even finished the first part of his plan."
River laughed loudly, throwing her head back. "Yes, but we are in a time machine, remember?" I felt stupid, my face flushing as I quickly joined her at the console.
"Yeah, right, forgot," I muttered, before thinking about how long it'd be. "You think a two-hour hop is enough?" I questioned, River biting her lip in thought.
"Yeah," She flipped a lever, myself following in suit to make a two-hour hop. "Should be fine." The TARDIS materialized from what I could assume to be as near where everyone was.
"Okay," River grabbed my hand. "Listen, long story short, what happened is the Silence taking me, many of the soldiers gone, Strax is momentarily dead, he'll be fine in a few days, Dorium got beheaded for the Headless Monks, some soldier named Lorna helped the Doctor, but she's dead too, my mum's currently a mess same with my dad. Also, I didn't mention this earlier, but I have Time Lord DNA in me." She said it all in one breath, my mind reeling.
Why did River spring information on people in moments such as these?
Sputtering a reply to her, I only tilted my head. "How the hell do you have Timelord DNA?"
"I was conceived while the TARDIS was in the time vortex, complicated but it happened." She waved me off, the two of us stopping just by the TARDIS doors. "I'm going to go out first, and you're going to follow me. But..." She stressed the word, looking to me sternly. "You cannot be seen by them until after the Doctor receives the message from the Silence about you. Everyone will be able to see it as it'll be sent live, you'll understand once it happens." I nodded at her, River patting my cheek with a reassuring smile.