- The Doctor
He was just a Time Lord,
one who loved meddling
with fire. And she was his
perfect match.
[ Eleventh Doctor x O...
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After taking a few minutes to look around, I made my way back to where the main action was, hoping the Doctor was better. At least I had thought it was a few minutes, it sure as hell felt like a few minutes.
Walking back to where I had last seen everyone, my eyebrows furrowed when no one was there. Just as I was about to yell out the Doctor's name a hand grabbed my shoulder, a rough heavy hand. With a small jump, I spun around leaving the hand dangling mid-air.
Standing frozen in its stone glory was a weeping angel, face froze into one of surprise. Rolling my eyes, I smirked at the creature tilting my head while tauntingly tutting it.
"Well, well, well," I ran my eyes over the lone angel. "What do we have here?" In a predatory manner, I walked around the angel observing it.
"Now, I'm sure you're wondering right about now why you can't kill me?" A hum left my lips as I sneered at the psychotic creature. "It's quite simple when Asgard put the quantum spell on your kind, they made sure to make all Asgardians immune to your powers, and I am of Asgardian descent, therefore..." I trailed off eyes thoughtful. "You can't hurt me."It came out cold and dark, a tone which would send shivers down anyone's spine. "But, I can hurt you."
Ididn't hesitate in placing my hand on the angel's stone shoulder, setting the thing ablaze. Stone was strong and could resist a vast amount of heat, but I was setting this thing to a temperature that no being could survive. And like that, the angel began melting, red liquid sinking to the ground. A scream like sound came from the angel as it melted, stopping when the angel was no more than a puddle of hot magma at my feet.
I realized that we must have been wrong about there only being one angel earlier, there was definitely more. That meant the Doctor and everyone else was in danger, quickly I pulled my hair up in a high ponytail along with tightening the strings to my boots.
Thanking myself for packing a blaster which I had conveniently found in one of the drawers of my dresser hidden under many layers of underwear, I reached into the inside of my flight jacket pulling it out.
Considering who the Doctor was I figured he didn't have many weapons on board meaning it was the TARDIS who made up the blaster along with my room, she was smart as she hid it in the only place the Doctor wouldn't go snooping through, or maybe he would, who knows.
"DOCTOR!" I yelled walking around the area I had previously seen them, cussing myself out for leaving.
It had only been five minutes, they couldn't go anywhere far in that short of time? Even then, they wouldn't just leave me, would they?
"AMY!" I stumbled around, looking everywhere for someone. "RIVER! SOMEONE! ANYONE?" My breathing got heavier when I came to terms with the fact that I was alone with no clue on where the Doctor was. "FATHER OMINOUS!" What was his name?
After two minutes of searching around seamlessly, a noise sounded from behind. A crunching noise like someone was walking toward me. Eagerly I turned around expecting to see someone, but unfortunately, I was met with about five angels standing frozen just a few feet away.