Seven: River Song's Adventure

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Amy lived in a nice house, to say the least

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Amy lived in a nice house, to say the least. Her room was littered with many children's drawings of who I could only assume to be her and the Doctor. However, on her wall hung a gorgeous long white dress, decorated down with immense intricacy.

It was a dress obviously meant to be worn on special occasion, I wondered what special occasion was coming up for Amy. The Doctor and Amy sat on her bed, the Doctor looking to the dress wide eyes.

Furrowing my brows in confusion, I pouted disliking that I had no clue what the dress meant. Mortals were strange.

"Blimey!" The Doctor said flabbergasted.

"Yeah." Amy sighed back, leaning back on her forearms.

Before either one could continue in their conversation, I cut in. "Hold up..." I held a hand up making them both turn to look at me. "What the hell does the dress mean?" The Doctor and Amy both glanced at each other before looking to me in bewilderment.

"Gosh, I know you left Earth when you were really young, Effie, but I'd expect you to remember what a beautiful white dress means." The Doctor stated, me only giving a blank expression in reply. He sighed running a hand down his face. "It means marriage! Amy is getting married in the morning!" The Doctor explained, my mouth opened forming an 'O'.

Looking back and forth between Amy and the gown, the both of them watched me slightly amused. "How ghastly!" I yelped making Amy frown and the Doctor click his tongue disapprovingly. "You can't wear a white wedding gown! I've never heard of such a thing, you must wear a gold gown!" I cried, my hand coming up to my mouth.

It was true, in most places of the universe, the color gold symbolized for a bride in her wedding gown. I knew for a fact Asgard and Gallifrey were included in this, Muspelheim as well, though not many marriages took place there.

Not only that, but the color white was reserved for death and mourning. Muspelheim rarely mourned over a death, but when such an occurrence did happen it was white that was too be worn. Again, Gallifrey and Asgard both shared in this color tradition as well.

The Doctor's eyes suddenly flickered in recognition and he scrambled to stop me. "Effie, wait-" He was cut off by me pacing in a circle.

"A white wedding gown? Are you having a wedding of death-?" A hand was over my mouth and the back side of my body was being held against the Doctor's chest.

"Amy, she doesn't mean it in an offensive way..." The Doctor trailed off looking into Amy's eyes which did hold slight offense. "Surprisingly." He added, before shaking his head. "Most places of the universe hold different colors for different meanings. For example, the most common is gold for a wedding gown, and white for mourning and death." Amy's mouth popped open as she suddenly understood, my eyebrows furrowing when I realized Earth must have different traditions in colors.

Pulling the Doctor's hand away from my mouth, I looked at them both in confusion. "What do you mean? What are the colors here?" I questioned, the Doctor sighing as he slowly released me from his grasp.

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