- The Doctor
He was just a Time Lord,
one who loved meddling
with fire. And she was his
perfect match.
[ Eleventh Doctor x O...
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"So, where are we off to today?" Amy questioned as I bit into a juicy sausage the Doctor had so graciously made us for breakfast.
Both Amy and the Doctor had two sausages, while I begged him to make me an extra claiming his cooking was some of the best I had tasted. Of course, being the Doctor he provided my wish and now he only stared at me with a cheeky grin as I ate my food.
It was kind of creepy.
Amy watched the Doctor in confusion, me only doing everything in my power to not meet his gaze. "Uhm, hellooo!" Amy sang, waving her hand in front of the Doctor's face. "Earth to Doctor, is the Doctor home?" The Doctor jumped up wide-eyed as if falling from a daze.
"Yes, sorry, right!" He exclaimed clapping his hands walking to the console and bouncing around it. "Now, where should we go..." He trailed off, resting a finger under his chin.
I was too engaged in my sausage to focus on the place, subconsciously leaving it up to the Doctor and Amy. "A planet!" Amy yelled, the Doctor's eyes only lighting up in excitement.
"Ha! Yes, we will go to a museum!" Amy and I gave him blank stares as he popped around the console, completely muddled by how he got a museum out of a planet
Swallowing a piece of the sausage, I looked to the Doctor. "How in the world did you get a museum off of Amy's suggestion?" The Doctor turned to me with a smile, rubbing his hands.
He sure did speak with hand gestures a lot.
"What's the matter with a museum, museums are cool." He stated defensively, stubbornly crossing his arms.
"Bruh," I started mouth falling agape, Amy taking the lead finishing my sentence for me. The redhead stood up motioning around the TARDIS. "You have a freaking time machine! Why see something in a museum when you can see it in real life!" Amy cried in exasperation at the mad Timelord.
"Museums are cool, we're going to a museum." The Doctor proclaimed, leaving no room for argument as he flew the TARDIS.
Amy huffed dramatically falling into the seat beside me, flailing her arms over her head. "He has a time machine and he's going to a museum," Amy mumbled in disbelief, while I only finished off my sausage setting the plate aside.
"Don't worry, it's the Doctor, everyone knows where he goes trouble isn't too far behind." I smiled, patting Amy on the back. "And if that doesn't work, then I'm sure we're equally as good at stirring up trouble." Amy laughed loudly, causing the Doctor to look over with narrowed eyes of suspicion.
Obviously not wanting to be left out of our conversation, the Doctor tried to casually walk over including himself in it. "Will you cook dinner, please." I gave him my best pleading eyes, putting on a begging sort of look.
The Doctor only smiled excitedly, pulling me into a hug kissing both my cheeks eagerly. "YES!" He shouted, Amy, watching him as if he were crazy. "I will absolutely make dinner!" The TARDIS started shaking just as he pulled away from the hug, making us all look around wildly. "Oh! We're here!" Amy and I yelped as the Doctor pulled us out of the TARDIS with no concern, waltzing around what looked to be any average museum.