- The Doctor
He was just a Time Lord,
one who loved meddling
with fire. And she was his
perfect match.
[ Eleventh Doctor x O...
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When I woke up, I was immediately greeted to light snoring and a heavy arm draped over my waist. Turning to my left with a small smile, I was met with the sight of the Doctor lying there dead asleep. Based on the way he was snoring it seemed he hadn't gotten a decent sleep in ages.
When I fell asleep he wasn't in here, he must have came in sometime last night. I snickered at the sight of his pajama pants strewn across the floor and the blankets kicked down to his feet. Apparently, the heat I radiated was too much for him.
I was slightly surprised and dare I say disappointed that he decided to leave his shirt on. A loud yawn escaped me as I sat up, getting out of bed. Waltzing over to my closet, I opened the doors throwing on a pair of pajama pants. It was probably better that I didn't just walk out in my underwear.
Looking over the Doctor's sleeping figure, I smiled gently leaving my room making my way down the hall. My thoughts drifted over to how I was supposed to tell the Doctor. At this point, I'd almost known him for a year and he still didn't know the truth.
I honestly didn't know what I was thinking when I decided lying would be better, because now I have myself in this situation. Dug so deep it seemed impossible to climb back out. Where on Earth was River Song when you needed her?
Maybe she'd clue me in on how the Doctor finds out. Though I wished she would, I knew I had a fat chance of that.
River was quite keen on her spoilers.
I was knocked out my thoughts when I was about halfway to the console room. I froze hearing odd noises coming from the room, it took me a second to comprehend that it was a conversation happening.
"Well, Mr. Centurian, I think I'm going to need to arrest you."
"Oh, policewoman, please don't handcuff me down."
My mouth dropped in confusion, realizing this was Rory and Amy talking. What the hell were they talking about? Moving at a faster pace, I came to halt in the doorway of the console room unsure of how to go about the scene in front of me.
Amy was dressed in a police woman's outfit, while Rory was dressed in the Roman wear he had been in when the Pandorica opened. That wasn't the oddest part though, currently, Amy had Rory handcuffed to one of the seats by the railing forcing him to sit on the chair.
Amy herself was kneeled down in level with his crotch as she held what I soon recognized as the Doctor's sonic screwdriver, waving it around his area down 'there'. The sonic buzzed lighting up as Rory suddenly grunted in pleasure, Amy's eyes widening as she if she realized what she was doing.
With a smirk, Amy pushed the same button on the sonic causing it to light up and Rory to moan once more. "Mmm, do you like that." She asked him, my jaw hitting the ground as I covered my mouth.
I think I'm going to be scarred for the rest of my life.
Behind me, footsteps sounded making me turn to face the Doctor who looked wide awake. The Doctor's eyes lit up as he caught sight me, his legs now covered with his pajama pants and his hair tousled from sleep.