Twenty-Four: The Big Bang

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The TARDIS locked River and me in a time loop to save our lives, that much I was aware of

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The TARDIS locked River and me in a time loop to save our lives, that much I was aware of.

Even though River and I were fully aware of the time loop taking place, we weren't able to do anything about it.

Trying to stop the time loop would cause the immediate explosion of the TARDIS, and River and I would die. The time loop at least gave the Doctor some time to come and rescue us; however, I feared if he didn't come soon the time loop would run out and the TARDIS would finally explode taking us with her.

Looking to River who nodded, I connected the jumpers to the matrix watching as sparks flew and listening to the TARDIS wail. I had already done this same thing over fifty times. The sparks stopped a second later, River and I look to the doors hopefully, praying it worked.

We both knew it wouldn't work though, this same scenario has been playing out for who knows how long at this point. There wasn't much time left for the time loop, but the Doctor would get us, I knew he would.

Turning to the doors, River yanked them open giving me momentary relief, but it was cut short when I saw the solid wall blocking behind the doors making my eyes tear up in defeat.

River looked back at me, her own eyes welled with tears as she too was under the belief this was our end.

The time loop had happened so much at this point, that we weren't even sure how much time we had left. This could very well be our last loop, our death could be right around the corner.

Staring at the doors sadly, I held back a sob. "I'm sorry, my love." I cried out to the Doctor, knowing that he wouldn't hear me.

With those final words, a flash of bright light filtered through my vision. This was the end.

And then, the end started again.


Looking to River who nodded, I connected the jumpers to the matrix watching as sparks flew and listening to the TARDIS wail. Maybe he would get us this time?

The sparks stopped a second later, River and I look to the doors hopefully, praying it worked. Of course, when she yanked the doors open all we were met with was the same brick wall blocking our way out.

Slowly, River turned to me with tears in her eyes shaking her head. A sob escaped me as I began losing hope that the Doctor would get to us in time.

I couldn't even save the TARDIS from exploding, I couldn't help the Doctor. I failed him.

Sniffling, tears fell from my eyes. "I'm sorry, my love." I sobbed covering my mouth, as the familiar bright light filtered through my vision concealing me in a land of white.

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