- The Doctor
He was just a Time Lord,
one who loved meddling
with fire. And she was his
perfect match.
[ Eleventh Doctor x O...
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"You got married and I wasn't invited to the wedding?" Gamora scowled later that night after we had left the planet known as Drugo.
Our spaceship was simply soaring around the galaxy randomly, Drax, Mantis, and Groot all sleeping. Rocket was up in the pilot's area inventing new ways to make our already destructive blasters even worse, and Peter was down in the lounge listening to some tunes.
Gamora was currently lounged across my bed, listening as I told her the details of everything that happened since I had left them. It had been approximately two months for me, but for them, it was about two weeks.
Sighing, I gave her an apologetic expression. "Yeah, sorry, but to be fair it was a pretty heat of the moment thing. I mean, River's husband was the person who married us."
"River..." Gamora shook her head. "Half Timelord woman who broke into our ship, took your suit out of your room without us noticing? That one?" I laughed at her words, nodding my head.
"Yeah, she's always pulling stuff like that." I smiled, as Gamora yawned standing up from my bed.
"I'm going to turn in for the night," She headed for my door. "I'll see you in the morning." I waved her goodnight as she left.
After the portal closed, Rocket wasn't able to get it back up and considering the Doctor had no clue where we were, we left the planet. I knew I should give the Doctor time to let this settle in, even if his reaction wasn't as bad as I had thought, it was still a lot to take in.
When or if he wanted me back, he'd come searching until then I figured I'd just hang around with my team like I was supposed to be.
Luckily, earlier we'd stopped off at Xandar for showers and a supply run, so I was nice and clean unlike I usually was when I was running about with the Guardians. Looking around my bedroom on the ship, I couldn't help but note how much smaller it was than the Doctor and mine.
Of course, this room couldn't be big though, it was placed in a medium-sized spacecraft. The room itself wasn't much bigger than a closet, everything jammed together. The bed was big enough for barely two adults to fit if they were squeezed together, but it was enough for me.
Sighing, I closed my eyes missing the warmth of another body. How was already missing the Doctor and it'd only just been a few hours. Oh, I was in for a long haul.
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