- The Doctor
He was just a Time Lord,
one who loved meddling
with fire. And she was his
perfect match.
[ Eleventh Doctor x O...
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"Love, Love, LOVE!" I screamed jumping awake, groaning as my forehead collided with something.
Slowly cracking my eyes open, I rubbed my head glaring at the Doctor who was straddled on top of me face crinkled with pain as he rubbed his own head. What time was it? Why was he waking me up?
"What the hell?" I growled, before yawning, turning to my side.
The Doctor who was straddled on top of me yelped at my shift of weight, falling off of me landing next to me in bed. Tiredly, I closed my eyes while bringing the blanket up to cover my face.
"Shut the lights off, I'm sleeping!" The Doctor gave no mind to my words, instead opting to pull the blanket down revealing my no doubt exhausted face.
Sure, for the past few days he had been unnaturally more tired than usual from his lack of sleep. However, it did not take him long at all to refill, now he was back to his normal weird Timelord sleeping schedule.
"Not anymore your not..." I glared at his happy expression, no one was that happy in the mornings. "WE'RE GOING ON A TRIP!"
Moaning, I shook my head. "We always go on trips!" I cried out in exasperation. "Just wait like..." I trailed off looking to the alarm clock next to my bed, eyes widening at the time. "YOU WOKE ME UP AT THREE IN THE FUCKING MORNING! Come back at a decent time or sleep the rest of the night with me." I offered, holding my blanket nodding for him to get in.
The Doctor froze, a slightly conflicted look on his face. I gave him a begging expression, knowing he was already thinking of taking my offer.
"C'mon," I tried in my most alluring tone. "You know you want to, we can cuddle and everything." I closed my eyes hoping he would take my offer.
Unfortunately, luck was not on my side today.
"As wonderful as that sounds, this little trip is going to be much more fun-" He abruptly stopped himself at the cold glare I was throwing him.
"More fun than cuddling?" I rose a threatening brow, making the Doctor gulp frantically shaking his head.
"Of course not, I was just exaggerating because I know you'll love this trip!" He backtracked, trying to redeem himself. "Now, my love, get up!" I screeched as he pulled me out of the bed, immediately leading me to the costume room.
I stumble over my feet, too tired to do this. With a deep sigh, I glared at the Timelord.
"This better be worth it," I told him as he waved cheerfully, throwing me in the costume room.
"Oh, trust me! It is!" He closed the door, myself spinning around at the sound of Amy Pond's voice.
"So he woke you up too?" I nodded sadly, making my way over to Amy who was curled up peacefully on the carpet floor.