Thirteen: Cold Blood

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"You had to come and see me

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"You had to come and see me." Alaya hissed as the remaining four of us walked into the room we were keeping her locked up in. The Doctor told us to not even acknowledge her, but we didn't listen.

Rory held up a hand, trying to symbolize peace. "We are going to keep you safe." He tried assuring her, me biting back the scoff that threatened to escape my lips.

Ambrose stepped forward, a brave look set upon her features. "Your tribe are going to give us back our people, in exchange for you," Ambrose told the reptilian woman strongly, not wavering even a bit.

I mentally clapped for Ambrose, happy she was taking charge. Alaya stepped closer to us with a sneer but was stopped short by the chains connecting her to the wall. Stumbling back a bit, she only looked us up and down coolly.

"Should I tell you what's really going to happen, apes?" Her eyes trailed amongst the four of us, stopping on me. "One of you will kill me, my death shall ignite a war. Then, every stinking ape shall be wiped from the surface of my beloved planet." Alaya told us confidently, Tony only shaking his head.

"We won't allow that to happen." Tony roughly grumbled, Alaya only scoffing in return.

"I know apes better than you know yourselves." She sniffed, her eyes still locked onto me. "I know which one of you will kill me." She taunted us, eyes never wavering from my form the other three noticing she was looking at me as well. "Do you?"

Finally, unable to keep my snarky comments to myself, I crossed my arms tapping my foot impatiently. "Yeah, it'll probably be me, and guess what? I don't care, you do anything to piss me off, bitch, and I will end you." The other three stiffened at my words, Rory turning and placing a warning hand on my shoulder. "The Doctor told me not to touch you, I don't care, I am telling you right now, I was raised to have no mercy. One crack out of you, and..." I paused, taking my fingers pretending to slit my throat with a smirk. "You're gone. Are we on the same page?" Alaya looked slightly shocked at my brashness, but before she could even utter a word, Rory was shoving me out the door, Ambrose and Tony following behind.

Once we were outside, Tony shutting the door, Rory looked to me desperately. "What the hell was that?" He exclaimed, throwing his hands up.

Ambrose and Tony both wandered away to give us some privacy, me only raising a brow at Rory. "That was a threat, was it not obvious?"

Rory groaned, running a hand down his face. "I know! I mean why? You can't touch Alaya, you know what the Doctor told us, she's our best bargaining chip!" Rory said, me only shrugging nonchalantly.

Motioning to the room we kept Alaya in, I shook my head. "You realize they have three of our people, and we only have one of theirs. They have two on us, only an idiot would make that trade! This isn't going to work, I was simply telling Alaya I won't hesitate to eliminate her-" I was cut off by Rory grabbing my arm while grumbling about me needing to show more 'humanity'.

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