An Unreturned Favour

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Bipper rushed into town as fast as his legs could carry him. He felt rather accomplished, proud of himself.

Usually that snobby Lantern Boy Would be impossible to take down, he usually pulled the "I'm taller" card like an annoying brother. Sure, he hadn't done anything, but this still gave him a sense of pride.

I have it! Finally she'll leave me alone!

He threw open the door to an old, abandoned, store. The windows were boarded up, And words and pictures adorned the floors and walls, messages from her. None were pleasant, most depicted his bloody fate at her hands, or her eyes.

This is where he had been staying, the Pines had been...less then welcoming.

He pulled a thick burgundy book off of a shelf, and flipped the pages until he found what he needed.

Bipper set down the lantern next to the book, casting dancing light across its worn pages.
He read a little bit about her until he decided he knew what to do.
He opened up his weapon cabinet and grabbed an axe.

What Wirt would give to have this. Hah.

Bipper hurled it into the wall expecting a portal like the book said there would be, but alas, there was nothing. He tried again and again, with all his might, he swung until nearly ten minutes had passed. Nothing.

"I'm ready to make a deal!" He shouted, it echoed through the holes in the wall but after that silence reigned.

He groaned.
Maybe Stanford tricked me.

Bipper dropped the axe in sheer anger and disappointment.
He kicked it across the room and growled.

She'd kill him, even though it wasn't his fault that she only showed up when he didn't want her around!

It would take more then an axe in the wall to reach her.

He lit a match and threw it into the lantern, watching the flames rise.
If she was going to come for him he could at least have an ally.

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