Car Conversing

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A/N this is what was happening with Wirt and Finn while Ford was having a flashback last chapter! If you don't remember where we are I suggest you go back and read the few paragraphs of Confrontation!

"Have you ever driven a car?!" Wirt screamed after Finn who was swerving as to not hit cars and pedestrians as he spun the wheel and practically stood on the gas pedal.

Finn thought about this for a while finally reaching his conclusion
"I don't think so, No."

"Where are you even going?!"

"Wherever the business card says, Beast!"

Wirt nearly slammed his head into the dashboard when Finn slammed on the breaks.

"Don't stop like that!" Wirt yelled.

Passenger seat driving for someone that you threatened to kill hours prior is kind of strange.

"So are you like possessed? Or what?" Finn asked, completely ignoring Wirt's yelling and criticism.

"We're two souls sharing one vessel. It's pretty simple, really." Wirt explained without a hint of enthusiasm.

"Can you read each other's minds?! That'd be so cool!"
Finn excitedly suggested.

"A little bit. We feel the same emotions but we don't always know why the other feels this way, y'know?" Finn nodded.

"And how does your crown work?" Wirt asked.

"It's mostly for self defense. It sometimes makes me do stupid or bad things though, it's been getting worse with time. I've only had it for a few weeks but it's hard to take off."

Maybe Wirt didn't want that.

Finn pulled a sharp turn and Wirt thrashed into the window, nearly breaking it with his antler.

"You're going to Kill Stanford!" Yelled Wirt looking into the backseat where the man laid.

"Chill out!"

Was that a...pun?

Wirt gave Finn a look of complete and utter distain.

"Why do you care anyway, huh?" Finn asked, this question shocked Wirt, who hated being put on the spot regarding his morality.

Why do I care?

"Well...he's...he's a person! And if anyone defeats's not gonna be me. It'll be...him."

What about me?! Am I not a person? Finn thought, annoyed. Subconsciously- he stepped harder on the gas pedal.

"Look, I'm sorry. I really need that lantern." Wirt grumbled. He didn't believe there was anything to be sorry for, everything that happened to Finn was his own fault.

Finn smiled, an apology felt nice, even if he couldn't forgive him yet. It wasn't the most sincere sounding thing but it was better then he could have expected.

Then it hit him.

"You made a deal!" He slammed on the breaks and everything shifted forward.
"You made a deal! What was it?!" He yelled aggressively. Wirt put up his arms in protest. So much for bonding.

"I said I'd go back and help him...but...I won't." He consoled quietly.

"You'd better not." Finn narrowed his eyes.

Finn started driving again like nothing had happened and they didn't speak for about an hour. How could they?
Finn's anger continued to simmer, probably worsened by the crown.

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