Back To Bill

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A/N does this title...concern you? *wiggles eyebrows*

I'm really excited to write about Wirt lol, I just rewatched OTGW after a couple months and it was really great!

Wirt walked out into the hallway. He ran his hands through his hair over and over again trying to collect himself.

He missed Beatrice so much, he loved her so much. If only he had realized before it was too late.

His breathing was heavy and fast.

Right now he felt like he held the world on his shoulders, it too, was heavy. And spinning fast.

Shadows of furniture cast across the dark hallway. The sky shone through a distant window, illuminating Wirt's shoes in a faint sapphire glow.

The blue was hypnotic, almost like the blue flames of Bill's handshake.

Could Wirt really back out of the deal? He wanted his end of the bargain first, He knew Bill was a liar. He could just rob him. But if he went to the house or alley or wherever the heck Bill lived he might as well squash the bug that was sooo scary.

But it was nice here. It really was. No one here was that terrible, they cared about him more or less.

But...He wasn't going to stand by and let Greg die because of him. Sometimes, Wirt wished he didn't care so much. He wished he didn't have to deal with the stupid lantern! But it was his burden, forevermore.

Wirt slowly walked to the front door, barely conscious of where he was going, and eased it open.

"Goodbye." He whispered to no one in particular, he didn't want to go, but he couldn't come back after going through with his deal with Bill.

He quietly shut the door behind him and danced his fingers across his antlers, trying to make a plan.

Town was so far away, at least an hour down the winding country road. The simplest plan was simply to start on his way, by foot. With the Beast in him, he didn't grow tired or fatigued, he was inhuman...What an incredibly human thing to be.

Wirt didn't remember the way to Bill but the Beast did, with impeccable, photographic memory.

He trekked down the road, it was dark enough that barely any cars passed by. Their light was comforting though, the more frequent the cars, the closer he must be.

He wondered what time it was. What if Bill gave up on him if he was late?
His steps became more lengthy and quick every minute.

They trekked for a long time before they passed through a bigger town then Stanford lived in.

Wirt was about to ask for a cab he saw to take him to the square of Bill's small city, but he realized that his antlers and eyes were not the kind to show off somewhere this busy.

Of course, the solution he came to was to knock out the driver and take his place. Easy really, but while he was at it...

Wirt moved the man across the street to a bush and focused all his energy on making wooden vines rise around the man. He'd come back for his new wood after he had the lantern. Making wood was harder work then some might think, it took a while to even grow a vine, to rush it like this resulted in exhaustion. He didn't need sleep but things like this made his human body worn.

Turning the key and stepping on the brake of the car he didn't blame Finn for driving like Greg would have, steering was surprisingly hard.

He felt bad leaving Finn and the Pines, but he had priorities far more important then friends... or whatever they were...After driving for hours he began to recognize things, the graveyard wasn't far from here.

Eventually he found himself near where Bill had been the day before. He got out into the alley, after making sure nobody would see his nightmare-ish form.

"Bill!" He whispered.

When there was no answer he raised his voice

Wirt muttered under his breath "This better not be a trap."

He fiddled around with some of the vines that grew across his arm, snapping them and twisting them to pass the time.

He suddenly noticed an amber glow emitting from behind a door that he hadn't even seen before.

The lantern?

He slowly walked over to the door and pushed it open. He couldn't help but gasp lightly when he saw the pictures carved into the dimly lit room's walls.

They depicted buttons and lots of blood. Some had messages about...surrendering? Wirt could tell they weren't drawn by Bill. There were large, deep chunks out of the walls, revealing the structures wooden beams, Wirt made the assumption they were from axe marks.

"Bill?" He whispered, shakily, he felt the slightest hint of fear as he gazed upon the depictions along the walls.

He wanted to leave as soon as he could.

But when he saw Bill with the lantern he could not.

He wasn't smiling, he had a grimace on his face. He shoved the lantern at Wirt's chest harshly.

"You can have it, Rat." He growled.

Wirt looked into the lantern and was slightly comforted by Greg's figure bounding around smiling. Still, was the deal off? And...Why?

Wirt opened his mouth to ask about the deal but Bill interrupted.

"She's gone." He stated blankly.

"She wanted my soul but I was too hard to lure, and then she realized how much of a threat I am. You see these lovely drawings?" He gestured to the 'art' on the walls.

"They're hers."

"The...spider? What's her name?" Wirt asked.

After a short pause Bill spoke, his words came out quiet but clear.

"Coraline. The Blue Widower."

There was a silence in the small room. Bill turned to Wirt a grave expression unfolding.

"I think she's coming for you."

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