Liar, Monster, Snappy Dresser

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A/N Uhh shoutout to my friend who supported(?) me writing this at midnight when everyone else says it's "unhealthy"
Get ready for the next chapter! I'm pretty sure it's the longest I've written so far, and if I remember correctly it took the longest to write! Hope you like it! God bless you!

Finn was exhausted. He hadn't exactly done anything but just worrying was taking a toll on him.

He had gone unnoticed by nearly everyone who passed by the ally, Other than a brown haired boy in a red hoodie who asked if he was lost.
He replied with a simple
And the boy left.

To be truthful Finn was beginning to feel...lonely.

Maybe if he hadn't been such a spaz he would have someone.
He picked up a pebble and threw it forcefully against a garbage can. He groaned in frustration.

"A little birdie told me you were looking for Bill Cipher." Coed a voice from further down the alley.

There's no way someone else is in here. I've been here for an hour, I-I would have seen them there can't be-

"That's me by the way~"
The voice laughed and jumped down from a ledge Finn hadn't even noticed.

"The Beast said you had his lantern. Is it true?"
Finn prepared himself to fight, today he had learned that he should always be on guard, anyone could turn on you in an instant.

"Ah, yes. I'm surprised he hasn't come to find me." Finn squinted his eyes as the figure got closer, when he finally stepped into the light He was...slightly underwhelmed.

Just a teenage boy, younger then Finn by several years. He had wavy brown hair and was wearing a nice suit.

Nothing like what Finn had imagined, not the kind of person who would steal or do anything to Mr. Pines' precious "Mason"

"I'm Finn." He held out his hand for a shake but Bill didn't take it.

"Eager are we? Hah, I like you, kid!"

The first bit left Finn confused but he smiled at the idea of being liked.

Finn felt a pang of hunger for the second time this evening,
"Do you have anything to eat?" Finn asked, he was understandably surprised when this sent Bill into a fit of laughter.

"Not for you, Jack!" He wiped away a tear of laughter and that's when Finn realized.

The boy had unnaturally wide yellow eyes with snake-like pupils one of which looked ...bloody.

"If you like you can eat rats for dinner! There's a lot scampering around here! Pretty aggressive! I recommend fighting them!" He pulled up one sleeve to reveal a series of painful looking of bites and scratches.

Bill noticed Finn's evident discomfort and slight fear, and decided to exploit it.

He strolled closer to Finn, looking him up and down,

Bill grabbed Finn firmly by the arm and smiled much wider then any person should be able to, it wasn't a sincere smile though, it was sinister in every sense.

Finn's heart beat so fast he was sure he would faint.
Bill stopped where he was for a second and sniffed the air. He took a finger across Finn's jacket.

"I'd like to think I have a decent sense of smell, everyone has a scent, you can tell a lot about a person from theirs. and it smells like you've been around people that you should stay away from."

Finn gulped, his pulse rushed and he squirmed to be free of Bill's grasp but he was just gripped tighter.

"You'd better not go crying to him about this, man up and solve your own problems. He was never good at that." Bill narrowed his eyes, Finn could feel his blood rushing from where Bill's hand was.

Finn tried again to pull away. This time Bill slammed his foot on top of Finn's to keep him from moving.

"I don't think you want to end up like Mason? Do you?"

Mason. Stanford's Mason. Who is Mason?! Finn wanted to know, desperately.

Bill leaned forward and swiped Stanford's business card right out of Finn's pocket. He crumpled it up and threw the paper ball against a dumpster.

"Do you want to know what happened to Mason?" Bill asked, in a playful tone.

"They called him Dipper. That's why they called me Bipper."

It took a moment for Finn to realize what he meant.

"You mean you- you're-"

"Breath it in, baby! I'm Bipper! Bill-Dipper if you please."

Finn's face burned with rising anger. He had no idea why he was so upset, he didn't even know this kid! But, he knew something for sure, he had seen the distraught in Stanford's eyes.

Finn thrashed against Bill violently.

He screamed various insults at him as he kicked and head butted to get away. Eventually he even brought his ice magic into the mix, but somehow Bipper persisted.

He couldn't wrangle free until he spat into the boy's eye.

He ran back into the street, about an hour had passed, it was stupid to look for Stanford, he knew.

You'd better not go crying to him about this.

Finn could hear those words like he was already reliving the moment.

Which way would he run? Away from the Graveyard!

He had forgotten about Wirt. Now he was hated by both The Lantern Bearer and his only known enemy.

"If Wirt doesn't come for me he'll come for Bill for certain! Either way I'm dead!"
Finn cursed out loud. He glanced in both directions weighing his options. away from the graveyard...but into the busy town?

He felt a cold hand on his shoulder, speak of the devil.

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