Daughter Of The Mirror

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"We can at least try to get out. Come on, get up." The Lantern Bearer pulled Finn up off the floor.

"And if we get out?"

Wirt hadn't really thought that far ahead, Finn saw him as some sort of genius leader so...he couldn't admit that he had no plan. He choose and answer he hoped would relieve Finn.

"We're going to get Bill, then...we stop the Spider once and for all." Wirt tried to add a smile for effect but in the near darkness it fell useless.

"No, we can't. She's so much more strong than me." Finn looked up at his friend after looking down at his own palms.

Wirt was about to question this when Finn spoke again.

"A chain is only as strong as its weakest link." He clarified.

The Lantern Bearer let out a short laugh
"Have you seen Bill? You aren't the weakest link."

Finn smiled lopsidedly.
He liked when Wirt was nice, rare albeit, he actually had feelings and cared about other people. What a wonderful thing to be one of those few people.

It felt strange to even think these things of the Lantern Bearer. He had tried to kill Finn only days ago, and said he hated his guts, and probably done a lot of other things Finn couldn't remember with his mind under such pressing stress. The point being...their relationship was...complicated.

"I don't think there's just some door we can open and walk riiight out into civilization." Finn doubted.

Just then, a door opened across the room, murky blue light flooded in through it and the boys exchanged glances of distrust and...in the midst of it all...excitement.

"You can go first." The Lantern Bearer suggested.

Wow. Thanks.

Finn started reluctantly towards the room, checking that Wirt was behind him.

He was, but he had left the lantern behind, in case anything was to happen to it in the room.

It seemed empty, only one thing was in the vast open room.
A mirror.

Finn picked it up and shook it towards his friend, who tailed him by a few metres.
"Haha! It's mirror-ception!"

"Finn...please put that down..." Wirt spoke unusually slowly, like he was trying to remain calm in a storm. Yeesh, Finn was just trying to lighten the mood.

"You have enough experience with cursed things. That's a cursed mirror if I've ever seen one."

"Was that a poke at my crown?!" Finn accused, pointing a finger.

He let the mirror drop against the floor with a loud metallic echo, just for effect.

Touched a nerve.
Why is he so sensitive about that old thing?

"I'm just saying." Wirt responded, shrugging.

Finn's scowl really killed the mood. And Wirt thought they might be making progress with their 'friendship'.

Wirt began leading him back out the door but Finn stayed, he eventually knelt down and picked up the mirror again.

Turning it over in his hands he admired its intricate design.

"Do you really think there's going to be anything new out there?" Finn sarcastically retorted, not turning to Wirt.

Every time they were getting along Finn had to ruin it with his over sensitivity. Who did he think he was?!
However, Wirt had to admit he was right.

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