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"Wirt! Wirt! Beast! Wake up! They're going to freeze! How could I be so stupid?! Wirt!"

Needy child. Stupid and ever so blind to the obvious.

Usually Wirt was able to stay awake all night, it was a side effect of being part beast. He hadn't slept since the first months of his new form, yet here he was sleeping again simply because he wanted to know if he could.

"What is it?" Wirt growled, exhausted, as he stood up.

"We have to get going soon! Or my family will freeze! And it's all my fault!"

What a pathetic example of human sympathy. This would be a win for Wirt though. Surely this child would let him keep watch over his crown while he 'saved his family' then he could break their truce and get his way.

"Alright. But I don't do favours for nothing." Wirt clarified. He looked down at the boy for a sign of approval and he nodded.

"If you throw yourself through the lake a mile southeast of here, and you will resurface in town. find Someone by the name of Bill Cipher. He has a lantern that belongs to me. You are to bring it back unharmed, or there will be serious consequences." Again, after a slight hesitation, Finn nodded firmly.

Wirt took a step toward Finn and bent down to near his height.
"In the meantime I will take your crown and-"

Finn's face darkened as he clenched his fists.

"NO!" Yelled Finn scattering back away from Wirt.
"You can't have it! It's mine!"

Wirt scowled and extended back to his full height as he walked towards Finn.

"You will do as I say, boy."
The look on his face was disturbingly calm and reassured.

"You don't understand! It's...it's me! It's who I am! Without it I'd be dead! I need it! You can't take it away from me!"

Finn saw Wirt's face redden with anger before he threw his arms in the air, stepped forward and yelled,
"Then why didn't you go yourself!? You abuse your power by not using your power! You can save them yourself but instead run away because you know that you could NEVER be more then what you are right now!"

Wirt dove for Finn's crown but the boy tactfully dodged him and ran away into the woods toward the lake.

"You can't run from me! You can't hide from me! You are Nothing but a sub-par excuse for a powerful man! running like a coward will do you no good, Come back and fight! All that you do is delay your agonizing death by my two bare hands!"
Wirt called out after him. The words echoed through Finn's mind and only fueled his racing feet.

He ran and ran until he thought he would drop to the forest floor as he had last night.
Never had he imagined that his "help" would end like this.

But Bill Cipher would help! He knew it! Anyone against Wirt was an ally to Finn. And whatever the deal was with this lantern, Bill had it.

After a long while of running to no avail he finally found the lake. He could no longer hear the echo of the Lantern Bearer's dress shoes crunching against the Autumn leaves.

He sat down and caught his breath.

I'm not weak. My family could be dead. It's not my fault that I'm scared or worried. Even Wirt would be!

This thought was comforting but he didn't like to think about the possibility that it was too late.

Maybe Wirt wouldn't be upset over his family...I wouldn't be surprised if he killed them on purpose.

Best to get away from this terror as soon as possible.

Finn held his breath and propelled himself at full force into the cold, murky water.

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