Elevators and Enemies

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To his surprise, Bill and Wirt didn't come up to the attic to look for Finn.

He had assumed with Bill on the scene this was some sort of revenge field trip. Maybe Bill was getting revenge on someone else at the moment or perhaps this wasn't a massacre plot, everything was quiet, if someone was being attacked Finn would probably be able to hear it. But he didn't hear anything.

Truth be told, he felt bad running away, armed with his crown he was powerful and could defiantly hold off Bipper's sweatiness.

But seeing Wirt there had thrown him for a loop, they had seen each other vulnerable, there was a bond forming, well...bond is a strong word. More like...ally.

He had suspected Wirt had run off to seal his deal with Bill but never would he have expected him to bring Bill friggin' Cipher straight to them!


Eventually, when Finn had decided Bill wasn't going to search for him, he moved away from the wooden door.

He hadn't really looked around the attic yesterday. It felt like an invasion of privacy. Now, it felt like a right since he'd be here for a while. The moonlight shone through the window bouncing off of things that littered the floor. Finn picked up a flashlight and shone it around the large room. Under the bed were crumbled balls of paper; a report it seemed. The further he pushed the flashlight under the bed the more he saw. There were suitcases of neatly folded clothes and a collection of all things fluffy or sparkly.

This was a girl's room.

If Stan or Ford had a daughter they would have mentioned her, wouldn't they?

Finn shrugged it off as nothing, it didn't really matter. But...his mind kept wandering back to her, whoever she was.
Where was she?
Why are her things packed away?

His curiosity got the best of him and he eased open the attic door, careful not to make a sound. He would ask about her, hopefully it wasn't a touchy subject.

He tiptoed down the stairs, cringing every time they would creak, until he found himself standing in front of a vending machine open on what seemed like hinges, revealing a staircase. It emitted a bright blue light that made Finn shield his eyes.

He could hear the distant hum of quiet voices from down the stairs.

He walked into the basement, running his hand across the cold walls, which he -unintentionally- glazed with frost.

"Ford!" He whisper shouted, he was probably down here. Hopefully he wasn't in any danger.

No response came, Finn didn't expect one though, the voices he heard will still muffled and far away.

When he heard the tiny footsteps and squeaks of mice he picked up the pace, finding himself in front of a rusty old elevator shaft, he saw the large box coming up from the basement, it certainly wasn't cutting-edge technology, it looked like it could snap off its chains in an instant and plummet to certain death. He debated whether he should run or stay and face whoever came out of it.

Enough running!
He told himself.
You're stronger than that. They should know.

When he saw and heard the elevator's chain rattle and shorten and extend with an echoing thud he realized there was someone jumping inside.

Only one idiot was this stupid.

When the elevator finally reached Finn's floor it only opened halfway before Bill nearly flung himself onto the controls to close it again.

I really strike fear into this guy.
Finn thought.

Well...until he realized Bipper was doing this for cheap fun.
"Hey, Jack, how many times can I open and close these doors before it's a system overload?" He asked excitedly, not even looking up at Finn. How did he know he was there?

"I helped Sixer design this thing y'know! It was really ahead of it's time. I made sure it wasn't perfect though, if I press these buttons who knows! It could explode!"

When Bill received no response he changed the subject, still focused primarily on hitting the controls.
"So...see anything weird? Like, really weird, like 'golly gee! that thing will definitely eat my eyes!' Kind of weird?" He asked distractedly.

Is that a proper weirdness scale?

Finn put his hands to his crown to make sure it was still there before getting involved in a conversation with Bipper.

"I don't know...why?"

Bill laughed a little bit and stopped pressing the buttons.
He put his hands on his hips, smirking at Finn.
"I don't think you can handle the truth. You need to be a big kid!" He mocked.

Finn's face flushed red with anger and embarrassment, and he sneered at the younger teen just feet away from him.

"Bill?!" Shouted a voice from upstairs,
"You're doing Bill a favour?!"

Bipper's face lit up with a menacing and enlivened smile as soon as he heard the voice.

He tried to make a break for the stairs, he was leaping over multiple steps at a time when he experienced a sudden cold running through him. thick ice enveloped his body until he was completely frozen over and dropped to the floor with a loud clinking noise.

Finn floated, glowering, inches above the ground, barely aware of what he had just done.

When he finally realized, he scampered over to Bipper's crystallized body, there was a look of unmistakable fear on his face. His yellow eyes were wide and his face looked drained of color.
Finn smiled.

This didn't fill him with warmth, it filled him with cold, and he loved it.

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