Room Full Of Emptiness

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Finn stood in the middle of an unfamiliar room. He didn't know how long he had been there, just that he was there now. There was a table with a vase of blooming purple aconites, and someone at the head of the table...

Getting closer, Finn could make out antlers, and after rubbing away the tiredness in his eyes he saw that this stranger across the table was Wirt. He felt slight confusion, but mostly relief.

The Lantern Bearer poured three cups of tea from a black teapot and slid all three on saucers across the table to Finn.

"One of these is sure to be your choice." Wirt said matter-of-factly, as if it weren't obvious Finn would take one. Perhaps it meant something else, but to the Ice Prince his mind was still on the steaming beverages.

Finn never drank tea, unlike his two allies who did so obsessively. He only sipped from the cup to be polite, it was not as bad as he recalled, but he didn't like the heat at all, it felt like a threat to him.

Wirt stayed quiet, his face grim and his hands folded neatly on the teapot.

Finn felt strange substance touch his lips and he looked into tea only to discover a plethora of eyeballs bobbing up and down, all looking directly at him.

He screamed and dropped the teacup, shattering it against a marble floor.
Wet eyeballs found their way across the shards of porcelain and slid all around the small room.

Wirt giggles a bit. His laugh made its way to a snort as tears began to form in his eyes.

Wirt never laughed, and he never laughed like that. Finn could barely speak.

"What is this?" He managed to get out.

Wirt stopped laughing as his own eyes began to roll back in his head, an image that made easily disgusted Finn want to puke.

When his eyes found their way back to Finn they were yellow and had slitted, cat-like pupils.

"This is a dream. When you wake up things are going to-"

Wirt-Bill's hand hit the table suddenly, as if he wasn't in control as his sentence cut off. He returned at a later point in his statement with

"Rule number one is to keep your eyes open -heck! Keep your eyes!"

Will (Wirt-Bill) froze in place almost mechanically for a second before adding

"Trust no one."

And the yellow glow of his eyes disappeared as he returned to normal. He didn't speak, he just stared into nothingness just behind Finn for a moment.

The Ice Prince turned to see what was there, and when he saw nothing and turned back he let out a scream, Wirt's eyes were black buttons and his mouth looked as if it had been pulled into an inhuman smile.

Finn felt a hand on his shoulder and then more and more and more, hands grabbed at his eyes and face until he couldn't see anymore, his heart was pounding louder than it ever had and then it stopped for a moment.

Finn bolted up, breathing fast, beads of sweat dripping down his pale face. He had no idea where he was or how he got there. All he knew was that he couldn't see, everything was black.

He yelled out, Finn didn't even know what he said, just that he had said something, his voice echoed, bouncing off walls and finally finding its way back into his ears.

He began absently mumbling as his situation began to take form in his mind.
"Rule number one...rule number one...keep your eyes open..."

He was trapped in some pitch black room, he had been asleep, somehow, Bill had contacted him in his dream to tell him to trust no one.

"Bill!" He cried out, stumbling to his feet.

"Bill! Bill Cipher! Where are you!! I need you, please help! What did you mean?!" Finn tried to find an exit or door or something but it seemed the room was completely empty. If he were thinking straight he could've noted that it was impossible as he wouldn't be able to get in, but he wasn't thinking straight, to Finn he was in a room with no entrance and no exit.

"Quiet down." Growled a deep voice from behind him.

Finn jumped and spun around to face his foe. A lantern illuminated the figure in a sunstone glow, slumped against a wall. It was Wirt, his friend.

Tears were beginning to well in Finn's eyes and he didn't know how to stop them, his breathing was heavy and fast and now that he was crying every breath was like a broken gasp.

"Where's Bill?"

Wirt gave a look of sympathy. He groaned with effort as he stood up and put a hand to Finn's shoulder. Wirt spoke to him in a much softer tone than he usually did.
"Finn, please be quiet. Bill is...he's...busy...a-and we have to stay here until he gets back, Alright?"

Wirt somehow made everything seem okay, and that scared Finn because things weren't okay, and because Wirt knew that even more than him. Wirt wasn't a comforter, he didn't sugarcoat things, but right now, he was lying for Finn's sake, Finn appreciated this he supposed, but he still had to know...
"What do you mean...busy?"

Wirt bit his lip and let his hand slip off Finn's shoulder and back to his side.

"Look, I'm not even sure. I can't tell you he'll be okay, but we're stuck in here for probably all eternity, so I doesn't matter."

Finn didn't want to respond sarcastically, he didn't want to cry more and make Wirt uncomfortable, he didn't want to yell because it wasn't his fault. So he just sat down against the wall.

"Do you know where we are?" He asked.

"Not really, The Blue Widower didn't want me, she didn't want you, she just took Bipper. And since we're just dessert we got thrown in here." Wirt gestured widely to the nothingness that surrounded them.

"Some kind of one sided mirror, I think."

"Sorry." Finn whispered.

Wirt nodded, most likely a gesture of forgiveness, or at least Finn hoped so. An it's not your fault would have been much preferred though.

Finn and Wirt sat in a bittersweet silence. Until Finn felt a cold hand on his shoulder. Wirt pulled him towards himself in an action that Finn initially saw as an attack of some sort. He realized with a light gasp that it was a hug. Slowly he returned it and for one moment the two really felt like friends, like brothers even. And they wanted to help not only themselves, but each other.

After Finn got out a few sobs Wirt pulled away.

"Let's kill us a spider." He said with bold conviction.

"She messed with the wrong friends."

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