Tea For Three

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A/N oh my goodness, I'm so sorry it's been a month! Not sure if I said this last month but I'm focusing most of my writing energy on my original story Veil Of Lies (I would totally appreciate reads) but that does not mean I am abandoning this fic!! It may take a backseat for a while but I highly doubt it will be discontinued. However, updates will be a lot less frequent. I hope you understand! God bless you all ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

The forest was incredibly, incredibly boring, Wirt had expected monsters or killers sent by the Blue Widower but apparently the only way she wanted them killed was by each other.

This was a relief he supposed but Wirt found himself intensely bored. Perhaps monsters would be at least entertaining.

Judging by the looks on their faces Finn and Bill weren't exactly overjoyed either.

"Where are we going?" Wirt asked, enthusiasm completely missing from his low voice.

"Part of the adventure is not knowing where your destination is." Finn mumbled.
"I saw that on a poster once."

"We might as well be lost in the forest-but apparently it doesn't count as 'lost' if you have no destination!" Wirt said.

"Shut up." Bill grunted monotone as he bent down to investigate something on the ground he had noticed.
"There's a piece of broken porcelain." He announced.

"This means someone has been here."

Wirt waved his hand.
"I'll tell you now. They're long dead."

"Oh, young, stupid Wirt...There's no dirt or dust or leaves on this." Bipper held up the sharp porcelain, unafraid of the possibility of it slipping into his exposed finger.
"It's new."

Finn jumped forward at the idea, a spark of hope in his eyes.
"Do you think it's from a refugee- like us?"

"Finn, that's impossible. It's obviously a trap or something from the Widower. Right, Bill?"

Bill laughed and shook his head, putting an arm around Finn.
"Ice Kid is right. The Widower is a weak little girl, she can't create anything by herself."

Wirt raised an eyebrow before deducting 'weak little girl' was likely a metaphor of sorts.
Wirt gritted his teeth, it sounded as if Bill was disagreeing for the sole purpose of disagreeing, as he had many a time before.

"What do you say we pursue this mysterious forest person?" Bill suggested, a hint of excited adventure in his voice.

"That word is rather advanced for you." Wirt smugly remarked
"You sure you know what it means?"

Bill gave him a slap on the back and added
"I just might, nerd."

Something gave Bill the qualifications to lead the team through the forest, or rather he thought there was some reason.
Unfortunately for him, he was powerless, whereas Finn and Wirt were powerful.

Wirt supposed it was good to have his least favourite teammate leading them.

Bill followed some tracks that Wirt suspected were imaginary, deep into the forest, until the trees around them had covered them in a blanket of shade so dark they could barely see what was right in front of them.

Their line of Bill, then Wirt, then Finn eventually found its way into a clearing. But it was no regular clearing. Amongst the grass and dying flowers was a long table, with white chairs on either side.

"What on Earth..? How did this even-" Wirt got quieter and quieter and eventually trailed off. There could be someone there.

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