The Amended Deal

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Bill grimaced at the thing in front of him. The Blue Widower was truly a sight to behold, one that made anyone want to avert their eyes. She had glistening silver sewing needles for hands and two sets of legs. Her height was certainly intimidating but worst of all were her black button eyes.

"Cipher." The Blue Widower acknowledged Bill.

He glared daggers at her, silent.

"We had a deal. You didn't hold up your side of the bargain, so I'm taking back what I gave you...and more." She stated, her voice sounded monotone but also had an air of mockery in it, as if she found this funny.

Bill flung himself at her before realizing he was tied up in thick binds of thread. He liked to think he was more powerful than her, but in his current state he was not.

He didn't let any of his fear show through his harsh exterior
"Please cut me loose."

The Blue Widower didn't respond.

Bill thrashed violently against the threads that cascaded floor to ceiling in the grand room.

"Let me go back! Let me make everything up to you!! I'll give you the two kids! I don't care about them, they're better dead! Let me go!" He yelled, gosh, he hoped Finn and Wirt couldn't hear him, he was pretty much selling their souls without consent.

"Is that...a deal? Well..." Coraline laughed cooly.

"That didn't work so well last time, did it?"

Bill fought with the rope-like strings, as if that would do anything. He exhausted himself trying, and his hands were red from the burn of the surprisingly thick threads.

"You've had your fun -now let me go."

She grabbed his cocoon of string tightly, Bipper could feel her sharp metallic fingers touch his back as she leaned in. Any closer and they'd draw blood.

"There's so much more fun to be had."

If she had eyes I'd spit in them.
Bill thought. Finn taught him that one.

"I said I'd give you a human soul, correct?"


Bipper took a moment to think before raising his head to meet her 'eyes'

"I tried to bring you two. You said I was too late. So now...I give you two more powerful people. That's fair, isn't it?"

She considered his offer for a moment before her face twisted into a smile.

Bill hadn't thought it'd be that easy. He thought right.

"But I make the same deal with them. Two souls. If they kill you as one sacrifice, well- you're dead!"

Bill tensed up.
Wirt and Finn were so much more powerful than him, if they wanted to Wirt or Finn could easily end him.

But they didn't have the heart to kill someone so close to them. After all, he was a 'friend' or...had the potential to be.

"I'll take that bet!"

Bill understood the Blue Widower. Funny, he could torture people, find such amusement in their agony, yet when someone was doing this to him he found no humour.

Coraline could take Wirt and Finn's souls easily. But she wanted to make it a game, she wanted to see three kids -three friends- go mad and kill each other, all for her.

She sliced the threads apart with her hands, narrowly missing scratching Bipper's skin.

"I will have my daughters tell your friends of the deal."

"Don't call them that. They aren't my friends, when I kill them, you'll see."


Bill rolled his eyes, he could end their lives on a whim, nothing was stopping him.

Suddenly he realized another word she had said didn't line up.

But the Blue Widower was already gone and he remained alone in the dead silent, freezing cold room.

Might as well make use of his time. Now laying against the wall Bipper tried to focus on falling asleep, he could get into Finn's mind if he was asleep, he wished he could do it awake, sleeping was a human burden that he didn't want to be plagued with.

He used to have the ability to do it in full consciousness. He felt himself becoming more human every day, he couldn't go into the mindscape, he couldn't do anything! And the worst part was that he couldn't get out of this weak human body, so he'd keep losing powers until he was like Finn- a poor excuse for a human of strength.

Sleep, sleep, sleep, how are you supposed to sleep in captivity? If I got into Finn's dreams what would I even tell him?

He supposed he'd tell Finn to watch out for the daughters? Trust no one. That'd do good, as long as Finn didn't believe whatever the girls said than he'd surely believe Bill -there was no deal! They didn't have to kill to live! Finn and Bill were 'friends' after all.

Bill thought about ways to fall asleep, maybe he should knock himself out, would that work..?

Gosh, he never realized how exhausted his human body was, it was like agonizing death. He focused on that until his body fell asleep, thankfully without a fully human mind he was able to remain conscious enough to visit Finn. He could do whatever he wanted in this kid's dream, but he should focus on what he established. So he did.

And when the metal door creaked open and he walked out into the mansion he knew more than Finn did, more than the Lantern Bearer, more than the daughters.

He knew he was entering what would be a bloodbath. He knew his hands would run red from the blood of his closest companions and he wouldn't feel remorse or mercy, not if he did this fast.

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