Offer Of Peace

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Ugh so sorry for the short chapter and hiatus of over two weeks. This chapter is dedicated to Heartsong1231 because the hiatus would probably be MUCH longer if not for her!

Bill Cipher had put mercy long behind him. The concept of peace was dead and love and friendship were rotting like a corpse of what they could have been.

He stalked the halls, waiting for Wirt to jump out from a crack in the wall and ambush him. Not Finn though, it was common sense that Finn was already dead, killed by his own blind trust in Wirt.

Finn seemed to trust so easily, thinking of anyone who didn't kill him as his friend. Bill knew that that isn't how the world works, for someone so damaged Finn must be stupid to never have learned this common knowledge.

He looked down every hallway, in fighting stance, he didn't hear the Lantern Bearer's heavy footsteps though he supposed the boy would be stealthy.

Bipper was considerably surprised when he heard laughing and cheering down a corridor. He made his way towards the sound to discover Wirt and Finn both collapsed on the floor, alive and beaming with pure joy.

Bill didn't know what to say. They were just so happy and they didn't look like they would even think of killing each other, however Bill wanted to keep his soul, and he would still play the Blue Widower's game. He would play it until he died.

So all he could think of to say was "Sorry."

There was a small table a few steps ahead, and a ceramic vase placed gracefully on it, Bill took smooth strides forward at first looking down, though eventually he raised his head to see what expression Wirt and Finn bore.

The two boys had stopped laughing and smiling now, they now shared a similar expression that Bill couldn't quite read. It seemed an amalgam of sadness, surprise, anger, fear and deep thought.

Ah, the face of betrayal. They had been happy when he wasn't in their life and here he came striding back.

Bill reached his hand out to the vase, and wrapped his fingers around it. It was cold and hard to break, like a certain someone he knew.

"You see boys, maybe if I wasn't fighting for my soul I wouldn't do this to you. But you don't seem to know or care what you are up against, you should."

Bill walked up to Wirt and raised the glass above his head, prepared to smash it, he had to do it fast.

Wirt reached out and grabbed his arm tightly. He forcefully pulled Bill closer to him, the boy's arm began to instantly numb.

"If you drop the vase now, it'll injure us both. And you wouldn't want Finn to win, would you? At least I'm a worthy opponent."

A few feet away Finn deflated, though the Lantern Bearer did not falter or even look away from Bill's yellow eyes. Bill found Wirt's ability to go from human to inhuman so quickly absolutely terrifying.

"We truce." Wirt offered, Bill raised an eyebrow as if to ask 'why'.

"It's the only way we will all make it out alive...all but her."

"There's no way that three half-possessed kids can take down the Blue Widower." Bipper hardly expected Wirt to meet his statement with an aggressive raise of the his arm, putting the glass vase just above his head, he was only stating the facts.

"I just...don't understand. What's the use of even trying?"

Wirt grew even more solemn than he had been before.

Bill couldn't understand why Wirt and Finn wouldn't just kill him. They had no reason not to, Wirt apparently could see this thought through the expressions Bipper displayed and he simply said
"You know more about her than me and Finn combined."

Wirt raised the vase, lifting Bipper further from the ground so that he was forced to return his intense gaze.
"You have the knowledge, I have the force and Finn has the..."

Wirt shot Finn a sympathetic look, prodding him to speak up.

Finn remained silent and averted his  eyes, as if it would be awkward to answer and awkward if he didn't (which it would).

"He has...stealth."

Finn shrugged, he supposed his fearful quietness did constitute stealth in a way.

He was honestly surprised he had any attributes to the team, he was glad that Wirt at least tried to make him feel useful.

Wirt returned his gaze to Bipper who still hadn't made up his mind.

Bill truthfully did not want a truce, Coraline was unbeatable. But if he said no, Wirt would kill him on the spot. He didn't have a choice.

"Fine, we'll truce."

Wirt let go of Bill's arm, which was now numb and in mild pain, and the boy was able to flatten his feet which were on their tips as Wirt practically held him up.

Bipper rubbed his arm where it had been hurt most.
"She has eyes everywhere. You're a fool if you think she didn't just hear every last word that came out of your stupid, pathetic mouth. We'd better run."

"Run where?" A small voice asked.

Finn looked like he would puke -more than usual, his face was absolutely white and his bony fingers shook slightly.

"I'm not sure. Come on."

Bipper started walking past him but as he did Finn stepped forward to tell him something, and from the look in his eyes it was important.

"We found a a mirror."

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