Stranger's Dangers

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Before he knew it Finn found himself back laying on the attic floor staring at the pile of things under the bed.

He had grown tired of watching Wirt punch a block of ice. It wasn't the most exciting display.

He could still hear the Lantern Bearer yelling, though his words were muffled as they carried through the two thick floors and up into the attic.

Finn thought Wirt's voice was kinda cool, in a way. It had two layers that overlapped. One was deep, loud and clear. The other sounded like...well it sounded like a boy going through puberty. But when they overlapped they showed the same powerful, forceful emotions, barely any albeit.

But it was threatening whenever Wirt yelled. Of course, his poisonous choice of words helped a lot. Finn couldn't hear what he was saying this time and frankly...he didn't care. He froze Bill. What's to say he couldn't do the same to Wirt?

Finn reached under the bed and pulled out an overflowing suitcase. Nothing but brightly colored sweaters resided inside. He took out a few and even tried one on. It was blue and had a picture of a snowman on it. Finn liked this sweater.

Suddenly, out of seemingly nowhere, a voice in his head asked
Why are you here?

And Finn...he...didn't know the answer. For safety from Bill he supposed. Now that very threat was thawing, two floors below him.

Why are you still here?

Because I have nowhere else to go.

Finn froze over his entire country of Ooo. Every place he knew was gone. He had frozen over his family's home. They probably got out, his anger was less softer there, and anger was what often controlled the ice. Even if they did get out, Finn knew he would never see them again.

Ford and Stan became like his instant family. Well...not exactly instant in Ford's case...
Finn felt as though it wasn't their actions that made him think of them this way. It was his desperation to recover what he had lost before he could fall apart over it again.

"I want a real family." He whispered to himself.

Finn just wanted the hole in his heart to fill up again. He didn't want to feel this guilt forever.

In an attempt to distract his thoughts, he pulled out another suitcase from under the bed.

When he unzipped it he found himself looking at a pile of assorted belongings. Yarn and stuffed animals mostly. Amongst them was a scrapbook, which Finn didn't hesitate to pull out. He brushed the dust off it's cover and opened it up.

There were entire pages worth of photos of Bipper...but it wasn't Bipper. It was Mason. Dipper.

He dressed casually, and his smile was significantly less wide than Bipper's nearly face splitting grin.

Next to Mason in almost every photo was a girl who looked rather similar to him. She had long brown hair that curled at the ends, and colourful braces.

"A sister..." Finn thought out loud.

"A sister!" He repeated, much louder this time.

He dropped the scrapbook on the floor and began sorting through everything.

"Where is she?"

"Why isn't she here?!"

He felt instantly obsessive. He had a bad feeling in his gut and would pursue this girl until he could look her in the eye.
Where did she go?
Is she safe?
Is she alive?
Why wouldn't she be?

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