Minisode: The League Of Villainous Boys

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A/N when it comes to this story, I was in a writers block until just today. However this is my most successful book and is currently number one in the Bad End Friends tag! Yay!

So I wrote you a one shot because I wanted to give you some content! This is totally non canon and an AU of the main story.

It also happens to be a My Hero Academia AU/crossover. Welp!

Bill Cipher rolled up his tan colored trenchcoat's oversized sleeves, he then flipped up the coat's large collar
"Do I look better like this, Tree boy?" He asked.

Wirt rolled his eyes. Right now, they were blue, the doing of cheap contact lenses.
"You look stupid no matter what. Finn -tell him he looks like an idiot."

Finn, could only nod slowly, making no eye contact with either of his partners.

Bill laughed, as he always did and Wirt cut him off with
"Finn could kill you, you know."

Bill shrugged his scarred arms.
"But he won't. It almost sounds like you admire him, yeah?"

Wirt grunted as he kicked a pebble across the sidewalk.
"He lucked out. Ice is a powerful quirk. I respect it."

Bill grabbed Finn's arm, it was ice cold.
"Hear that kid? You're the best of us."

Wirt turned around to give Bill a firm push in the chest.
"Shut up. Don't put ideas of mutiny in his head."

"Too late." Bill skipped along, to Wirt's side again, sticking out his tongue.

"You're practically a demon in human skin, and the stupidest person I've ever met. Finn is nearly mute, but I've seen him lose it. At least I have all my thoughts in order."

"Even the ones about your brother?" Bill taunted, to which Wirt spun around and immediately decked him in the face.

"Shut up!" He snapped.

Bill touched his nose where he had been punched, to see if Wirt has drawn any blood.
"Seriously though, isn't it weird that you want to be a villain when that's what killed your brother?"

Wirt leaned forward, a deadly look in his eyes.
"I told you to hold your tongue before I remove it from your mouth."

As he always did, Bill turned to Finn to joke, but made sure it was loud enough for Wirt to hear
"Wirt's sassy. Total diva."

Wirt spun and growled at Bill. Just as he looked away from where he was going he ran straight into a teenage boy in formal attire.

The boy and Wirt both fell to the ground. When they met eyes they both saw similar looks of annoyed disgust.

"Heyy! Who're you? You look like a piece of angry lettuce!" Said Bipper, popping up behind Wirt and putting a hand out to the boy.

The stranger put one hand do his jade green hair and studied Bill's fingers. After a moment of hesitation he took the boy's hand.
In that instant it erupted into blue flames that seemed to light up Bill's yellow eyes.

The eyes were a downside to his quirk, no matter what body he took they remained. Yellow and slit like a snake's.

The green-haired stranger immediately jerked his hand away upon seeing the blue flames.
"Dabi?! Toga?!" He shrieked.

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