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"Mom! Mommy!" I ran to my mother who was washing the dishes.

"What is it Yoongi?" She smiled her bright smile at me.

"Can I go outside and play with Jimin?" I asked.

"Of course. Have fun and don't cause any trouble." She ruffled my hair as I grinned at her.

"Ok, bye!" I yelled and ran outside. I sat down on the grass in the backyard and happily took my toys.

"Jimin? I'm here now. Let's play!" I yelled and saw the boy jumping over the fence and joining me on the grass.

He was my best friend.

"Hi! What should we play?" I asked as he just pondered.

"I don't know." He shrugged.

Although we only met yesterday, we knew immediately that we were meant to be best friends.

"I actually don't feel like playing. Let's talk instead." Jimin suggested and I frowned.

"But talking is boring." I sighed.

"C'mon, Please. If we wanna be best friends then we'll have to know more about each other." He explained. He was right.

"You're right. What should we talk about?"

"Let's take turns and tell each other something about ourselves." He said and I nodded.

"Ok! My name is Min Yoongi. I am 7 years old and I love watching adventure time! When I grow up, I wanna play the piano!" I said excitedly.

"Awesome! My name is Park Jimin and I am 6 years old. I love baking and my little pony." He smiled and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"But that's for girls..."

"No it's not! Boys can also watch it!" He gasped and I put my hands up in surrender.

"Jeez ok."

We played and talked for a little while longer until it was time for him to go home. Well... at least I thought that it was time. He never spoke about his home.

"Goodbye, Jimin! I'll see you tomorrow." I smiled and waved.

"Goodbye, Yoongi." He smiled back and went home.

It was time for bed so I crawled under the blankets and hugged my "Jake the dog" stuffed toy closely.

"Goodnight, Yoongi." My Mom kissed my forehead and covered my body with the blanket properly.

"Goodnight, mommy." I smiled and she turned the nightlight off.

When she left the room, I turned the light back on.

I was scared of the dark.

You never know what could be lurking in the shadows.

I wonder if Jimin is afraid of the dark.

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