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"Yeah and so we exchanged numbers." I told Jimin and Tae.

"That's amazing! Was she pretty?" Tae smirked.

"Haha yeah but I don't think I like her in that way." I said.

"That's what they all say." Jimin rolled his eyes.

"I'm serious. We're just friends" I laughed. We were obviously talking about Suran.

"Buuut I think that one of you might have a shot." I smirked and they both blushed immediately.

"Yoongs, you know I'm too awkward for that." Jimin scratched his neck.

"Yeah, yeah" I laughed.

"I really want to meet her. Can you maybe ask her if she wants to hang out with us?" Tae asked.

"I mean... yeah sure. I'll text her." I stood up and took my phone from the desk.

I looked for her name in my contacts and texted her.

Me: heyy :P

Suran: Hii :)

Me: I told my friends that we met and they really wanna meet you haha

Suran: really? Haha cool

Me: yeah sooo do you wanna come over?

Suran: sure sounds like fun :D

Me: awesome! Here's my address: (address)

Suran: great! I'll be there in 10

Me: nice. See ya :)

Suran: see ya :))

"Guys..." I turned around. "Get ready. A girl is coming over." I smirked and they immediately jumped up from my bed.

They started fixing their hair and sprayed cologne all over themselves while I just laughed.

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