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"You stupid nerd!" He yelled and pushed me to the floor.

I felt my eyes starting to water but they obviously didn't care.

"Look! He's gonna cry now!" He yelled and the students surrounding us laughed.

I saw Jimin somewhere in the crowd, frowning.

Why wasn't he doing anything...?

I stood up from the floor and wiped away the blood from my nose where he had punched me before.

I looked Jimin dead in the eyes before turning around and storming away.

I exited the school and ran as fast a so could back home. It was pouring rain and it felt uncomfortable running in my now soaked clothes that was clinging so closely to my skin.

I opened the front door and stepped inside the only place where I felt safe.

"Yoongi?" My mom emerged from the living room with a confused expression. "You're not supposed to be back home yet. Oh dear, you're completely soaked."

She rushed over to me and pulled me upstairs.

She told me to get changed while she made some tea downstairs.

I stripped out of my wet clothes and put on new ones.

I went downstairs and sat down on the couch. She soon joined me and handed me a cup of tea.

"What happened? Is that blood on your nose?" She asked while wrapping a blanket around my shoulders.

I took the warm cup in my hands and sighed.

"Mom... can we just move?" I asked.

"Honey, you know that we can't do that. It's too expensive and we don't have the money." She explained and I sadly nodded. "Why would you wanna move in the first place?"

My eyes started welling up with tears and I swallowed the lump in my throat.

I haven't told her.

"I get... I get bullied every single day, mom. A-And Jimin doesn't seem to ca-are." I sobbed as I felt her hug me tightly.

"Why didn't you tell me...?"

"I'm sorry, I just thought that you had enough on your plate as it is and I didn't want to make you worried." I cried in her shoulder.

"But you're my first priority. No matter what." She said and stroked my head.

We spent the rest of the day watching movies and eating a bunch of snacks.

It's amazing how lucky I am to have her as my mother.

Who needs a father or siblings when you have her, right?

Most 14 years olds would probably think that it's "sad" to have your own mother as a best friend but it's not.

It's pretty great, actually.

They should be more thankful.

Alone| M.Y  ✔️COMPLETED✔️Where stories live. Discover now